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International Week - Workshop Cross-cultural collaboration among students

In the border region, you cannot escape from the proximity of the neighbouring country. This requires good cooperation and learning together, at individual, organisational and network level.

120 minute workshop:
Purpose of the workshop is to explore the ‘human factor’ in international student collaborations. By using a cognitive mapping approach based on dialectical inquiry principles (Churchman, 1971) we will explore factors that influence success and failure of international student collaboration and gain an initial understanding of these factors.

Workshop leader is Max Klöters:
Max is engaged as lecturer for research skills within the Marketing Management program and as researcher connected to the Fontys research groups ‘Lifelong Development’ and ‘Cross-Border Business Development’. Moreover Max is affiliated as PhD candidate with the research group ‘Organizational Science’ at the Open Universiteit in Heerlen. His PhD research centers around cross-border collaboration, specifically emphasizing the human factor, individual mind-setting and collaboration readiness in fostering cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands.

More information about the International Campus Career Week here.

International Week - Workshop Cross-cultural collaboration among students

Datum en tijd
dinsdag 15 oktober 2024
15.00 - 17.00 uur
Tegelseweg 255, Venlo
Campus Venlo (W1)


Tegelseweg 255, Venlo

Locatiekaart op adres: Tegelseweg 255, Venlo