Work on-site
Each innovation team is a part of an ecosystem with its own on-site workplace. For e.g. the innovation team for Circular Transition works at Brainport Smart District and the innovation team for Digital Transformation works at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven. This way, as a student, you are at the place where it all happens.

Schedule a personal meeting
In the innovation team experimenting, testing and co-creation come first, so that you can drive your own learning process and the project. Does this sound interesting? Let’s quickly schedule a meeting and discuss the possibilities for you as a student. Send us an e-mail and we will schedule a meeting with you.
send an e-mail to innovatiehub@fontys.nlEnroll right away
Do you want be a part of the Innovation Hub for your minor, internship or graduation project? Complete the application form by clicking on the button below.
fill in the registration form immediatelyInnovationHub Circular Transition
Do you want to help with the implementation of circularity in organisations? To make an impact in the region and to develop smart circular solutions?
Our students are currently working on a new food concept to prevent food waste and to protect the climate. These students have come up with an idea to connect local business and smart technologies. So that a super market can also have an impact on customer experience. We are collaborating with several organisations and stake holders within our network. The Design Thinking method is used in our research, evaluation, feedback and operation.
You will work at Eindhoven Engine, on the TU/e campus where Fontys University of Applied Sciences and the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e) collaborate. You will work interdisciplinary with students from other study programmes, learn to think out of the box, develop new solutions and to expand your network. You are in the lead of your own learning process. Are you ready for this challenge?

Learn more about Circular Transition
InnovationHub Digital Transformation
Do you want to help in creating a smarter city with drones, to work on the implementation of 5G applications in healthcare or would you rather contribute on solutions to provide more vitality in the workplace?
Our students are currently working on securing the hight tech campus in Eindhoven by using drones, among other things. These students have come up with the idea that, for example, we could replace almost all AEDs by flying them to the location with a drone, which results in in reduced costs and increased service. There is even an ICT student, who is now making a 3D model for a so-called Digital Twin, for making a virtual test flight.
You will work on the High Tech Campus, the smartest square kilometre in Europe, where more than 235 high-tech companies are located. As a student, you will gain knowledge in different areas by working in an innovation team. You will learn to look beyond your field of education, to discover new solutions and make use of a large network. As a student, you will be in charge of your own learning process. Are you ready for this challenge?

Learn more about Digital Transformation
InnovationHub Resilient Cities
Eindhoven is part of the Brainport region. In the middle of this bustling, at times creaking and squeaking ecosystem, Fontys University of Applied Sciences has set up the hybrid learning environment for the Resilient City. You will work together with strategists and city marketers, with community workers and residents, with researchers from Fontys, students from various study programmes and coaches.
You will think, act and dream on how we can work together in Eindhoven, so that there is enough
prosperity in the city and it becomes a breeding ground for innovative ideas. That is the crux to all the challenges we have in store for you.
You will be in charge of your own learning process, we will offer you the context, support and structure to do so. So that you can make a significant contribution to the development of the city of Eindhoven during your studies! Are you ready for this?

Learn more about Resilient Cities
At the Innovation Hub we collaborate with several companies. The organisations we work with include: