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Due to the limited number of places available a selection will be done after the application deadline. Therefore we would like to receive a motivational letter. Please answer the following questions in your motivational letter:

  • Who are you?
  • Why are you applying for the minor Graphic Design?
  • What do you want to learn during the programme?
  • Could you rate your own design skills?
  • Your preferred language. Do you want to follow the minor in Dutch/English/No preference? If you need to follow the minor in English, because you’re not a (native) Dutch speaker, please write this down in your application, so we can make sure that we place you in the English class.

The motivational letter will be part of your application, but first you have to register or be nominated by your Home University. The method of registration differs for exchange students studying outside the Netherlands and international students who are already studying in the Netherlands. Please only read the information below that applies to you.

Exchange students

Applications should always be submitted via the International Exchange Officer at your Home University. This officer will send your application request (nomination) to Fontys. Once we have accepted the nomination, you will receive an e-mail with all neccessary information how to complete your application proces.

Important dates

Deadline for nomination (by partner University):

Deadline for applying:

Due to the limited number of places available a selection will be done after the application deadline. Students will be informed of their acceptance or refusal before

International students (who are already studying in the Netherlands)

Register via Progress (Fontys students) or Kiesopmaat (students of other Dutch universities). You will receive an e-mail with all neccessary information how to complete your application proces. If you have any questions, you can mail to fmc-minor@fontys.nl.

To participate in the minor, the student must have completed his propaedeutic year or have permission from the Examination Board of his own study program.

Important date

Deadline for applying:

Due to the limited number of places available a selection will be done after the application deadline. Students will be informed of their acceptance or refusal before