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Fontys Integrity Contact centre

Contact centre Internal rules of conduct and integrity

Fontys Fontys strives to be an honest and socially safe organization. This applies to our employees as well as to our students and partners with whom we work. In addition to the various rules of conduct, protocols and internal guidelines, Fontys has chosen to create a contact centre to support this endeavour.


Integrity is not self-evident in any organisation, nor at Fontys. That is why it is important that we make it clear to each other what we expect from each other, what behaviour is desired and what we mean by acting ethically and with integrity. Fontys is aware of this and recognises the importance of raising awareness of the risks, making them negotiable and of exemplary behaviour. These matters are essential in preventing non-integrity and in creating a safe environment within which non-integrity action can be discussed. In addition, it contributes to the prevention of (image) damage for the organization.

What is the notification centre for?

  • Violations of the Integrity Code: this includes conflicts of interest, improper use of Fonty's property, corruption, theft, etc. but also of unwanted behaviour in this regard. This includes intimidation, abuse of power, improper conduct of powers, etc.
  • You can also ask for advice on how to apply the internal rules of conduct and integrity.