
Submission for EAEEIE 2023

Authors are welcome to submit their recent results for presentation at the conference. In this case the abstract needs to be submitted for review. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subjects to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements.

All submissions shall be original, previously unpublished work and not currently under review by other publications. English will be used for all printed material as well as for presentations and discussions.

Submission procedure

Firstly, please prepare an extended abstract that will be evaluated with respect to its EAEEIE scope, novelty and advancement. Then you will be notified about the acceptance and given enough time for submission of your concept full paper that will be reviewed by blinded reviewers. They will assess the authors work and, if necessary, give advises to the author’s concept full paper. Authors than improve the papers according to the reviewers’ notes and suggestions. Finally, the camera-ready version of accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.

Key dates

Please, keep a close eye on the submision dates the upcoming key dates are:

  • 31 January | Abstract submission
  • 27 March2023 (extended) | Full paper submission
    • 26 April 2023 (extended)| Notification of acceptance
    • 15 May 2023 (extended) | Final paper submission date
      • 14-16 June 2023 | Paper presentation during the conference

      Submit your paper with ConfTool

      We use ConfTool for the submission and review process of your contributions for this conference. First make an user account to upload your paper.

      Please submit your Abstract through ConfTool, the conference uploading system, before 31st January 2023.

      The Abstract should be submitted as text and should not exceed 300 words. Upon submitting the abstract you are also asked to provide:

      • the title of the paper
      • the authors and their affiliations
      • primary conference subject topic as mentioned on About EAEEIE | Fontys
      • keywords
      • abstract text - plain text, with recommended extent up to 300 words

      The Abstract will be assessed, and you will be notified about the decision before 7 February 2023.

      To submit the abstract you need a user account. To create a user account, go to and follow the "Register new" link. After filling in the required fields of the online form, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you with your account details. Please provide valid name, address, and email address, since these will be used later for sending you relevant information about your submission.

      You can submit your abstract from your user account by selecting “Your Submissions” and “Abstract submission” to fill in the form. After submitting the from you and all co-authors will receive a confirmation e-mail.

      Submit your Abstract with ConfTool

      Please submit your Concept full paper through the conference uploading system before 27th March 2023.

      All accepted full papers will require the presenting author to register and attend EAEEIE 2023, and published papers have to be presented during the conference by one of the authors. Papers accepted and presented in EAEEIE 2023 will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore following the conference.

      The required templates are available from the IEEE website.

      • The Microsoft Word A4 (.docx format) template is recommended.
      • The maximum length of the full papers will be 6 pages with a minimum of 4 pages.
      • Only electronically submitted papers can be considered to be uploaded in Word-docx or PDF format.

      As the conference is an IEEE conference, IEEE policy requires that all authors intending to publish their papers in the IEEE Xplore digital library must provide a transfer of copyright. The Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) needs to be completed for transferring ownership rights of the intellectual property to IEEE. Authors will be directed from ConfTool to the IEEE eCF system.

      This concept paper will be assessed in a double-blind review process. After the notification of acceptance, authors are requested to improve their concept papers according to the reviewers’ feedback.

      New: Speed-paper presentations!
      Innovative learning focusses on students and their education. Would it not be interesting when your paper on innovative learning would also be presented to students themselves? The Speed-paper presentation gives you the opportunity to present your ideas in several short timeslots to different audiences of EAEEIE 2023 consisting of students and your fellow conference participants in a dynamic setup.

      Read more about Speed-paper presentations

      Please follow the steps described below carefully and submit your Camera ready paper through the conference uploading system before 15thMay 2023.

      Step 1: Prepare your revised manuscript

      Address the reviewer’s comments as best as you can and polish your manuscript.

      Add the IEEE copyright notice on the bottom of the first page of your paper before creating the PDF of your final paper.
      (Copyright Notice options with proper ISBN/ISSN as provided in the IEEE Letter of Acquisition):

      • For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:
        U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
      • For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
        978-90-386-5690-8/23/$31.00 ©2023 Crown
      • For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:
        978-90-386-5690-8/23/$31.00 ©2023 European Union
      • For all other papers the copyright notice is:
        978-90-386-5690-8/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

      Step 3: IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF generation

      The final paper must be converted into PDF with settings compliant with the requirements of the IEEE Xplore digital library.
      Please use the IEEE PDF eXpress web tool for this purpose. PDF files generated in a different way might not be IEEE-compliant and will neither be included in the proceedings nor published. The instructions to generate an IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file using the IEEE PDF eXpress web tool are listed below.

      1. Go to the PDF eXpress web site.
      2. If you don’t already hold an account, please create a new IEEE PDF eXpress account by clicking on the "Create account" link.
      3. Enter the following conference ID:55804X.
      4. Continue to enter information as prompted. You will receive an e-mail confirming the successful creation of your account.
      5. After logging in, please upload the source files of your camera-ready paper for conversion (e.g. DOC, DOCX, TEX and so on).
        Alternatively you can also just check the compliance of your generated PDF file.
      6. After a few minutes, you will receive the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF version of your paper by e-mail.
      7. Technical support via e-mail is available if you experience trouble in creating your PDF:

      IMPORTANT: Once you have completed all steps on the PDF eXpress web site, return to the ConfTool installation of your Conference to submit your final, Xplore-compatible PDF(s) (see Step 4 below).

      Step 4: Final paper submission

      Please log in to ConfTool and upload the PDF validated by IEEE PDF eXpress before the final upload deadline ends:

      1. Go to Overview => Your Submissions and click on the title of your accepted paper.
      2. Use the link “Final Upload” on the right to upload your final validated PDF.

      For more information about uploading your camera-ready version in the ConfTool system (including visualisations), please go to the Conftool website.
      If you have questions or experience difficulties in the process, contact us.