Your introduction week

The new academic year starts in September ... but before your studies start, you'll first take part in the introduction week. That's Purple 2024! During the introduction week (26 - 30 August) getting to know each other is key.


There is one introduction week for all the international Engineering study programmes (bachelor & master). It has lots of fun activities and moments. An experience that you definitely do not want to miss! Below we have very briefly summarised what your days will look like.

First day of a week full of fun for all new international Engineering students. You will start at 10.00 hrs with a Meet & Greet at Nexus building (De Rondom 1, Eindhoven). Introduction groups (families) ares made by speed dating with other students. After lunch there will be a scavenger hunt in the city of Eindhoven where you will get to know all the hotspots. We will end in a bar for dinner with afterwards some bar games.

Wake up! The second day of your introduction is about to start. Your technical skills will be needed today during an engineering challenge. Do not forget to take your diploma today as you can let it checked at the Student Adminstration Office. There will be a free programme after lunch; you can decide together with your family members if you want to spent the afternoon and/or evening together.

Ambience photo Fontys

Today you will meet the students of the Dutch Engineering programmes. Are you ready for some action outdoors? Activities include a bouncy castle obstacle maze, a "table game," and a BBQ-esque lunch. In the evening there is a pub crawl with activities and a party in the centre of Eindhoven.

Ambience photo Fontys

Thursday will be coloured purple as you will get to know the Fontys community during the amazing Purple festival. After lunch we will travel together to the festival in Tilburg by bus. You will enjoy live performances and have a nice party. The bus will bring you back to Fontys at the end of the day.
Read more about the purple festival.

Wake up with a hungover breakfast. After the awards ceremony you can relax with a film during the afternoon.
We hope you enjoyed it and made many new friends. Good luck during your studies and see you at Fontys!

If you have energy left, please join us for a welcome BBQ at 16 hrs offered by Fontys. During a BBQ with drinks and a DJ you will be meeting students of all other international Fontys programmes. Meet compatriots studying ICT or physiotherapy or just go with your new Engineering friends. The BBQ is free of charge, but you have to register for it separately. Please read the information below.

Fontys Welcome Party

On Friday August 30, Fontys and Purple organise the Welcome Party for international students. This event is all about getting to know fellow international students. From 16:00 to 20:00h Campus Rachelsmolen will be filled with conversations, info and 'gezelligheid' as the Dutch would say. We would like to invite you to the Fontys Welcome Party in Eindhoven!

>Be aware that this is a Fontys event and not a study or institute-specific event.

Costs to participate

Participating in the Welcome Party is free for international students, buddies, teachers and coaches of Fontys.
NB: Make sure to register. No registration = no ticket and no entrance.


  • Campus Rachelsmolen, Rachelsmolen 1, Eindhoven


Please let us know if you will join the BBQ & drinks before Wednesday 28th August 2024. You can do this via the link with your Fontys account.

Register for Welcome Party Eindhoven

Questions and more info

For any questions that you may have, send an email to

Photos and videos

During this introduction week, many photos and videos will be made. They will include selfies and videos made by students on mobile phones as well as photos and videos made by professional photographers. By participating in this introduction week you automatically agree that these photos and/or videos are being published (i.a. social media, flyers, ads and websites).


We would love yo see how you experience Purple. Add #purple2024 to your photo's and videos on Social Media!

Follow Fontys on Social Media

Sign up

Additional information

If you follow a diet for medical reasons, have certain (food) allergies or are vegetarian, please indicate this on the registration form. We try to take this into account as much as possible. If you have any questions about this, please contact the organisation at

Study Association Innovum
Nexus Building
De Rondom 1


Contact person of the organisation:
Ryder Mauck: +31-(0)6-29782260 (telephone) or +1 (310) 756-7234 (WhatsApp).

It is forbidden to consume strong drinks and drugs. If we do find liquor and/or drugs, they will be confiscated and you cannot join the introduction any longer. Although alcohol may be served, Innovum has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to alcohol use under the age of 18 and drug use in general. Students aged 18 or older will receive an 18+ wristband at the start of the introduction week upon presentation of their ID card.
During the entire introduction week, First Aid and/or Inhouse Emergency is present. Employees can be recognized by their yellow vests.
Participation in the introduction costs a total of € 50 per person. Register and pay here. Please do this before 25 August, 23 hrs.
We would like to be informed in advance if there are medical matters that we need to be aware of. This includes illnesses, (food) allergies (epipen) etc. Please mention it on the registration form or inform Ryder ( / +31-(0)6-29782260 or by WhatsApp +1 (310) 756-7234.
During the entire introduction week photos and videos will be taken. These may be made public or used for promotional purposes. By participating in the introduction you give permission for this.

Intro 'parents'

Intro 'parents' are students of the bachelor programmes. They are your contact point during all days and will guide you around the introduction. Our 'parents' are there for you 24/7 during the introduction week. You get to know your intro 'parent' on Monday 26 August.

Ambience photo Fontys

Packing list

To make sure you are fully prepared for the introduction week, tick off the packing list below. You will stay overnight at your own room, flat or (parent's) house. Each day you will get a fresh T-shirt from the organisation.

  • ID card
  • Easy clothes and shoes that may turn dirty
  • Enough water every day (tap water is drinkable and has excellent quality in the Netherlands)
  • Good mood
  • Medication (if necessary)
  • Diploma (on Tuesday)
  • Enough credit on your bank account and/or cash money!
  • Rainwear or poncho on rainy days

But the most important things to bring are your good sense and a lot of energy!



During the introduction you get to know your future classmates and students from other international Engineering programmes. It is not compulsory, but we strongly recommend it. It is the start of a (new) social life in Eindhoven.
It can be discussed with the introduction committee to join later or end earlier. Please send an email to
The contribution for the introduction is € 50.
No, unfortunately that is not possible.
Short but sweet: yes! You can register via this link.
Please register yourself before 25 August 2024, 23 hrs! You can pay either by cash on the spot or by card.

Yes you do! Everyone will get their own introduction shirt sponsored by the partners of Study Association Innovum. In fact, you don't just get one shirt, but five in total. This way the intro stays fresh and you don't have to wash your favourite shirt every day :).

Ambience photo Fontys
No, every institute has its own programme but also takes part in central activities (such as the Purple Festival). At Fontys Engineering you will have an introduction week with all new bachelor and master students of English Engineering courses in Eindhoven. On Wednesday you will also meet the Dutch new Engineering students.
The programme starts on Monday 26 August at 10 hrs. For the starting times of the other days you will be informed by your intro 'parent'.
End times are different, depending on the programme.
You will stay overnight at your own room, flat or (parent's) house. 

Monday:  Sandwich lunch included.

Tuesday: Sandwich lunch included.

Wednesday: BBQ-esque lunch included.

Thursday: Sandwich lunch included. At the Purple Festival there are plenty of food stalls to buy dinner.

Friday: Hangover breakfast included. From 16 hrs you can join the Fontys Welcome Party, a BBQ with drinks and a DJ. Your have seperately (before Wednesday 28 August).

On Monday and Wednesday you will be having dinner as a group, but at own costs.

There are almost always vegetarian and halal options. Do you have a food allergy? Please contact the introduction committee ( as soon as possible and mention it in your registration. We will then do everything we can to provide an appropriate meal.
You can ask all your questions to the introduction committee of study association Innovum. Mail to:, call Ryder Mauck at +31-(0)6-29782260 or send him a message via WhatsApp at +1 (310) 756-7234.
Please call Ryder Mauck at +31-(0)6-29782260 or Robin van Haandel at +31-(0)6-81898343.
The introduction week ends on Friday 30 August around 15.30 hrs. We hope you had a super intro by then!

If you still have some energy left please join the Fontys Welcome Party, a BBQ for all students from the international programmes from 16-20 hrs. This is not organised by Innovum, but by Fontys. It is free of charge but registration is necessary. You have to apply seperately.


Contact Fontys Engineering

Nexus Building
De Rondom 1

+31 (0)885077333
Rondom 1, Eindhoven

Contact Intro Committee

Do you have questions about your Introduction Week? Please contact Ryder Mauck from Innovum during the summer and the entire introduction week.

+1 (310) 756-7234

Ambience photo Fontys

Ambience photo Fontys

Ambience photo Fontys