Fresh at Fontys Bachelors

Welcome to Fontys! We look forward to welcoming you as a new student. Below, we collected all the information you need to successfully start your studies. Please make sure to start all of your preparations on time. The admission process and finding a room will require time and effort.

My programme starts in September:

Campus in Eindhoven




My programme starts in February:

Campus in Eindhoven


Campus in Venlo


Ambience photo Fontys

If you're going to study, there's a lot to arrange and remember.

When you begin your studies, there are many things to arrange and it can feel overwhelming. To make it more manageable, we have listed some important points that you should not forget. Select your Fontys city above and see what you still need to arrange before the start of your new study.

Important things for you to arrange!

  • Complete your application
  • Find suitable housing
  • Purchase books and/or a laptop
  • Apply for your student ID card
  • Check the information about your introduction programme
  • Arrange a student public transport card

Extra support

Are you in need of personal support or extra guidance? Check out Fontys Helps.

Guidance during your studies

Studying in one of the Fontys cities

Our Fontys cities have a lot to offer you. Read here for all the details and insider information.

Studying in Fontys cities
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Recap introduction week 2024

At Fontys, you begin your studies with the Purple Introduction Week. To experience the ambiance, check out the recap video of 2024.