Your introduction week

The new academic year starts in September ... but before your studies start, you'll first take part in the introduction week. That's Purple 2024! During the introduction week (26 - 30 August) getting to know each other is key.


Below you can see all the activities in which you will participate:

  • Kick-off & Introduction @ 10 AM - Fontys Nexus (ER, De Rondom 1, 5612 AP, Eindhoven)
  • Lunch with mamas and papas
  • Campus Tour / Scavenger Hunt
  • To the park and enjoy the Rocket Launch Game
  • BBQ
  • 08:45h: Get to know the study organizations
  • Ice cream and City tour
  • Burgers @Dr. Feelsgoods
  • Laser tag/pool
  • 08:45h: Get to know the Sport associations
  • Purple activities
  • Square party
  • Purple PubTour (Eindhoven Centrum)

The week’s grand finale will take place on Thursday when all the intro kids, dads and moms from Eindhoven, Tilburg, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Sittard, Veghel and Utrecht can enjoy the Purple Festival.

  • 14:00h - 23:00h | Purple Festival
  • 14:00h: T-shirt Design Contest

We hope you enjoyed it and made many new friends. Good luck during your studies and see you at Fontys!

Fontys Welcome Party

On Friday August 30, Fontys and Purple organise the Welcome Party for international students. This event is all about getting to know fellow international students. From 16:00 to 20:00h Campus Rachelsmolen will be filled with conversations, info and 'gezelligheid' as the Dutch would say. We would like to invite you to the Fontys Welcome Party in Eindhoven!

>Be aware that this is a Fontys event and not a study or institute-specific event.

Costs to participate

Participating in the Welcome Party is free for international students, buddies, teachers and coaches of Fontys.
NB: Make sure to register. No registration = no ticket and no entrance.


  • Campus Rachelsmolen, Rachelsmolen 1, Eindhoven


Please let us know if you will join the BBQ & drinks before Wednesday 28th August 2024. You can do this via the link with your Fontys account.

Register for Welcome Party Eindhoven

Questions and more info

For any questions that you may have, send an email to

Photos and videos

During this introduction week, many photos and videos will be made. They will include selfies and videos made by students on mobile phones as well as photos and videos made by professional photographers. By participating in this introduction week you automatically agree that these photos and/or videos are being published (i.a. social media, flyers, ads and websites).


We would love yo see how you experience Purple. Add #purple2024 to your photo's and videos on Social Media!

Follow Fontys on Social Media

Additional information

If you follow a diet for medical or religious reasons, have certain (food) allergies or are vegetarian, please indicate this on the registration form. We try to take this into account as much as possible. If you have any questions about this, please email them to
Nexus (ER, De Rondom 1, 5612 AP Eindhoven)
It is forbidden to consume strong drink and drugs. Alcohol is only served and drunk from 4 p.m. In addition to soft drinks, beer and wine are served at the overnight locations during the festivities (from 4 p.m.). If we do find liquor and/or drugs, they will be confiscated and we may send you home. Under the age of 18, alcohol is completely prohibited. Students aged 18 or older will receive an 18+ wristband at the start of the introduction week upon presentation of their ID card.
During the entire introduction week, First Aid / In-house Emergency and First Aid is present. Employees can be recognized by their yellow vests.
No registration fee is required for Industrial Engineering and Management students.
We would like to be informed in advance if there are medical matters that we need to be aware of. This includes illnesses, (food) allergies (epipen) etc. You can report this to us through mail.
Photos will be taken during the entire introduction week. These may be made public or used for promotional purposes. By participating in the introduction you agree to this (give permission for this).


The Fontys introduction week is called Purple and will take place from 26 to 30 August 2024. The programme starts with getting acquainted with fellow students and teachers at our location Nexus (ER, De Rondom 1, 5612 AP Eindhoven) at 11 AM. There you will form your own introductory group (including 'intro parents').

The Purple Introduction Week is all about getting to know each other. Getting to know classmates, getting to know the study programme, getting to know the city where the new students will be studying and, of course, getting to know the Fontys community!

Just like previous years, we are planning to make the Purple Introduction Week just as beautiful and fantastic as every year, of course within the measures that are in place at that time. All the 'new' measures will create a challenge, but Purple is motivated to make it a great week again!

No, every course has its own programme and also takes part in central activities (such as the city day and the Purple Festival). Check the programme on this site to see how your intro will look like

During the introduction week a lot of photos and videos will be made. Ranging from selfies and videos on a mobile phone by fellow students to photos and videos by professional photographers and filmmakers. By participating in the introduction week you agree that the photos and/or videos will be published (on social media, flyers, advertisements and websites).


Contact with Industrial Engineering and Management

Nexus (ER, De Rondom 1, 5612 AP Eindhoven)

Contact with the introduction committee

Do you have questions about your Purple Introduction Week? You can also reach us on the details below during the summer holidays and the introduction week.