Your introduction week

The new academic year starts in September ... but before your studies start, you'll first take part in the introduction week. That's Purple 2024! During the introduction week (26 - 30 August) getting to know each other is key.


Below you can see all the activities in which you will participate:


Monday, August 26, 2024

We expect you on Monday 26 August at 11.30 am with bike and sleeping gear at Camping De Walhoeve: Hoge Wal 15, 5053 LG Goirle

Make sure you bring your own lunch on that Monday!

11.30 - 12.30 | Registration at Camping De Walhoeve
12.30 - 15.00 | Prepare bedding, have lunch and get acquainted with your new programme
15.00 - 17.00 | Introductory game with all first-year students of Fontys Academy of the Arts
17.00 - 18.00 | Direction Fontys Academy of the Arts, Muzentuin
18.00 - 20.00 | Pizza Party
20.00 - 00.00 | Programme Activity
00.00 - 01.00 | Back at the campsite at the latest

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

08.00 - 10.00 | Breakfast
10.00 - 12.00 | Programme activity
12.00 - 13.00 | Lunch
13.00 - 15.30 | City route through Tilburg
15.30 - 16.00 | Direction Fontys Academy of the Arts, Muzentuin
16.00 - 23.00 | Handshake
It's time for the Handshake. Today you will attend workshops from various art programmes at Fontys Academy of the Arts. Besides various disciplines, you will also get to know Fontys Academy of the Arts better. We will end the day with a School Party in the Muziekzaal at school.
23:00 - 01-00 | Programme activity
01.00 - 02.00 | Back to the campsite

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

08.00 - 09.00 | Breakfast

We start the day with sports activities at Sportcenter Tilburg University. Then you and your group will do a fun group activity, followed by a square party and pub crawl in Tilburg.

09.00 - 12.00 | Sports activities at Sports Centre Tilburg University
12.00 - 13.00 | Lunch
13.00 - 15.00 | Cinema / Bowling / Swimming
15.00 - 17.00 | Return to the campsite and freshen up
17.00 - 18.00 | Direction Tilburg centre
18.00 - 21.00 | College dinner and city festival
21.00 - 02.00 | Pub crawl
02.00 - 03.00 | Back at the campsite at the latest

Thursday, August 29, 2024

08.00 - 10.00 | Breakfast
10.00 - 13.00 | Programme activity
13:00 - 14:30 | Lunch and refreshment
14:30 - 15:00 | Direction Purple Festival in the Leijpark
During the Purple Festival in the Leijpark, meet all Fontys students, dance to the hottest music and have fun!
15:00 - 23:00 | Purple Festival
23:00 - 02:00 | Pub crawl
02:00 - 03.00 | Back to the campsite

Friday, August 30, 2024

Time to wrap uo! You'll leave the campsite tidy, take all your belongings with you and end it fun together with the group.

08.00 - 10.00 | Breakfast
10.00 - 11.00 | Closing with your programme
11.00 - 12.00 | Camp site completely clean and go home

Social media
Fontys Circus and Performance Art

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Social media
Fontys Academy of the Arts

Instagram Facebook LinkedIn

Photos and videos

During this introduction week, many photos and videos will be made. They will include selfies and videos made by students on mobile phones as well as photos and videos made by professional photographers. By participating in this introduction week you automatically agree that these photos and/or videos are being published (i.a. social media, flyers, ads and websites).


We would love yo see how you experience Purple. Add #purple2024 to your photo's and videos on Social Media!


Registration intro

Participation fee: € 69 per person.

What do you get for this?

• 4 nights at the Purple campsite

• Breakfast every day

• Dinner on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

• Full-week program with activities

• A Fontys Academy of the Arts Introduction T-shirt

Sign up for the FAA Purple introduction by filling out the registration form carefully and completing the payment before August 16, 2024.

Any questions? Ask them via


Whatsapp group intro Circus and Performance Art + Dance Arts in Context

We have created a whatsapp group for all new first-year students. This the place to get to know each other a bit online already. Your intro parents are also in this group.

Click here for the link to the whatsapp group or scan the QR code. See you there!

Ambience photo Fontys

Additional information

Additional information

Medical, Allergies, and Dietary Requirements

If you have any medical issues, please inform us in advance so we can be aware. Think of chronic illnesses, epilepsy, etc. You can report this via

If you follow a diet for medical reasons, have certain food allergies, or are a vegetarian, please indicate this on the registration form. We will try to accommodate this as best as possible. If you have any questions, email

Address Information

Fontys Academy of the Arts: Zwijsenplein 1, 5038 TZ Tilburg

Campsite: Hoge Wal 15, 5053 LG Goirle

Alcohol and Drugs

Possession, use, and trafficking of alcohol and drugs are prohibited. This also applies to other psychoactive substances, such as laughing gas. Alcohol will not be served or consumed before 4:00 PM. Alcohol is prohibited under the age of 18. Violation of these rules will result in confiscation of alcohol and/or drugs, and you may be sent home.

First Aid

First aid/BHV (company emergency response) is available throughout the entire introduction week. Staff can be identified by their yellow vests.

Sign up and questions?
Sign up for the FAA Purple introduction by filling out the registration form carefully and completing the payment before August 16, 2024.

Do you have questions? Ask them via


Photos will be taken throughout the entire introduction week. These may be made public and/or used for promotional purposes. By participating in the Purple introduction week, you consent to this.

Packing list

Packing list

To ensure you're fully prepared for Purple, check off the items on the packing list below. Nothing will stand in your way of having a great introduction week.

Make sure you have the following ready for the Purple program when the introduction begins:

• Bike (bring your own bike, there are not enough public transport bikes at the station); you really need a bike to get from the campsite to the city centre and to other locations. This is too far to walk.

• Identification

• Sleeping gear; air bed, fitted sheet, sleeping bag, pillow and an extra warm blanket as it can get cold at night

• Comfortable clothing

• Sports clothing

• Swimming clothing (only for students Music in Education, Circus and Dance Arts in Context)

• Water bottle

• Tea or coffee mug

• Phone charger

• Power bank, so you can charge your phone even without electricity

• If applicable; medication and menstrual products

• And of course, don't forget your good mood and a lot of energy!




Don't leave your family and friends guessing. It's wise to keep them informed about where you're going and where you're staying. Feel free to share the contact information below.

Contact Person

Frédérique van Steen

+31 (0) 653100972

Reception Fontys Academy of the Arts

+31 (0) 885074599

Address Information

Fontys Academy of the Arts: Zwijsenplein 1, 5038 TZ Tilburg

Campsite: Hoge Wal 15, 5053 LG Goirle