Your introduction week

The new academic year starts in September ... but before your studies start, you'll first take part in the introduction week. That's Purple 2024! During the introduction week (26 - 30 August) getting to know each other is key.

Welcome to an adventure of a lifetime

You'll not only discover your awesome study programme, but also forge lifelong friendships with incredible people from across the globe. Get ready to dive into the heart of Tilburg as we unveil the secrets of your university, your city, and everything you need to know. Curious about what lies ahead? We've got you covered with all the essential info right here! Let the journey begin!


Get ready for an unforgettable adventure in your new home city and soak up the vibrant Dutch culture. This is your number one opportunity to get to know your fellow students and of course all of the hotspots Tilburg has to offer. You'll be staying at the Purple campsite in Goirle, minutes away from the Fontys campus in Tilburg, where you'll bunk with fellow students and intro parents (senior-year students) in your own tents. Of course it's possible to share tents with fellow students from the same study programme if you'd like to. Don't forget, sleeping on the campsite is a must!

Prepare for a lineup of nice activities. From city explorations to unforgettable adventures, we've got it all planned just for you. We assume you'll be there for the entire week because seriously, who wants to miss out on this experience? (all jokes aside, if you sign up we assume you'll join the entire week's programme, and sleep on the campsite!).

Intro parents

We've got your back every step of the way with not just one, but two amazing intro guardians: your intro parents. These senior year students study the same programme as you will be doing, so they will be your guides, answering all your burning questions, and offering a helping hand whenever you need it throughout the introduction week. You're in good hands, so let's make this intro week one for the books!

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Your first introduction to your study programme is on Monday 26th of August. We have organized the following activities for you and your fellow new students:

  • Afternoon: Arrival & Introduction Intro Group @campsite Goirle
  • Evening: Fries + Snack & Silent Disco @campsite Gorile

Get ready to explore Tilburg's coolest hotspots on Tuesday!

  • Morning: Breakfast & Treasure Hunt building P8 Fontys Campus Stappegoor
  • Afternoon: Lunch & Crazy 88 Hotspots Tilburg
  • Evening: Italian dinner & Pub Quiz

On Wednesday 28 August new students will participate in the city programme.

  • Morning: Breakfast & Sport activities Tilburg University
  • Afternoon: Lunch & Purple activity
  • Evening: BBQ & Purple Pub Crawl

The week's grand finale will take place on Thursday 29 August 2024 when all the first year Fontys students from Eindhoven, Tilburg, 's-Hertogenbosch, Sittard, Veghel and Utrecht can enjoy the Purple Festival.

  • Morning: Breakfast
  • 14:00h - 23:00h: Purple Festival, Leijpark Tilburg

On Friday, we bid farewell with breakfast for all, followed by packing up your bags. For those who want: International students can extend the fun with a welcome BBQ party in the afternoon. You'll find more information about the welcome BBQ party below (registration is free, but mandatory!).

  • Morning: Breakfast & pack your stuff
  • Optional: Fontys-wide Welcome BBQ Party in Eindhoven. More information including registration link can be found on this page under the header 'Program Purple'

Photos and videos

During this introduction week, many photos and videos will be made. They will include selfies and videos made by students on mobile phones as well as photos and videos made by professional photographers. By participating in this introduction week you automatically agree that these photos and/or videos are being published (i.a. social media, flyers, ads and websites).


We would love yo see how you experience Purple. Add #purple2024 to your photo's and videos on Social Media!

Follow Fontys on Social Media

Additional information

If you follow a diet for medical reasons, have certain (food) allergies or are vegetarian, please indicate this on the registration form. We try to take this into account as much as possible. If you have any questions about this, please email them to

Address Fontys building P8
Prof. Goossenslaan 1
5022 DM Tilburg
Phone number: 0885077655

Address campsite Goirle (overnight location)
Hoge Wal 15
5022 KH Tilburg

It is forbidden to consume hard liquor and/or drugs. Alcohol is only served and drunk from 4 p.m. In addition to soft drinks, beer and wine are served at the overnight locations during the festivities (from 4 p.m.). If we do find hard liquor and/or drugs, they will be confiscated and we may send you home. Under the age of 18, alcohol is completely prohibited. Students aged 18 or older will receive an 18+ wristband at the start of the introduction week upon presentation of their ID card/passport.
During the entire introduction week, First Aid / In-house Emergency and First Aid is present. Employees can be recognized by their yellow vests.

Participation during the Fontys ACE introduction week (Monday to Friday) costs a total of €90,-.

An intro ticket costs €90,- for this you get:
- 4x nights on the Purple campsite
- 4x breakfast
- 3x diner
- 2x lunch
- Purple festival
- 3 days full of fun activities

You can buy a ticket for the introduction week via this link.

We would like to be informed in advance if there are medical matters that we need to be aware of. This includes illnesses, (food) allergies (epipen) etc. Please mention this in the ticket link you will receive from us in mid-July. You can also contact us by e-mail at
Photos will be taken during the entire introduction week. These may be made public or used for promotional purposes. By participating in the introduction you agree to this (give permission for this).

Packing list

To make sure you are fully prepared for Purple, tick off the packing list below and nothing will stand in your way of having a great introduction week!

For the Purple programme, make sure you have at least the following ready when the intro starts:

  • ID card
  • If applicable; medicines
  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • Charger
  • (Sleeping) clothes
  • Sportswear
  • Bicycle (you will need this for the planned activities). Tip: if you can't bring your own bike to Tilburg, rent an OV bike:
  • Tent
  • Air mattress

And of course don't forget your good mood and plenty of energy!


The price for a regular ticket is €90 ,- (mandatory ticket).
Check the programme above.
No, every course has its own programme and also takes part in central activities (such as the city day and the Purple Festival). Check the programme on this site to see how your intro will look like
During the introduction week a lot of photos and videos will be made. Ranging from selfies and videos on a mobile phone by fellow students to photos and videos by professional photographers and filmmakers. By participating in the introduction week you agree that the photos and/or videos will be published (on social media, flyers, advertisements and websites).


Contact Fontys Academy for the Creative Economy

088 507 7655
Prof. Goossenslaan 1, Tilburg

Contact the introduction committee

Do you have questions about your Purple Introduction Week? You can also reach us on the details below during the summer holidays and the introduction week.
Prof. Goossenslaan 1, Tilburg