The student has occasional thoughts of suicide, is still able to think about other things, and is aware of the effect on friends and family. No definite plans or preparations yet.
Try to assess this based on the conversation you had, or ask the student about it directly. Asking a direct question about thoughts or plans to commit suicide will not cause the student to actually take action. The student will have these thoughts even without your intervention and would probably feel a sense of relief at being able to talk to someone about it.
The student has occasional thoughts of suicide, is still able to think about other things, and is aware of the effect on friends and family. No definite plans or preparations yet.
The student often has thoughts and visions of suicide, feelings of despair, has a definite plan with preparations, thinks it would be better for others if he/she were no longer there. Farewell letters are sometimes considered or composed.
The student only thinks about suicide, has great feelings of despair, is not concerned about the effect on others, there is a definite plan, possibly already practised. A trigger could lead to suicide at any moment.
For further advice (for example on how to proceed after seeking help), make an appointment with a student counsellor or student psychologist, by calling 08850 8000 (weekdays 08:30-17:00).
Be aware that the student psychologist/student counsellor is usually not immediately available to speak to you. Consultations usually take place the next working day.
The pressure of student and social life is not always enjoyable for everyone. It requires a good approach, discipline and focus. This doesn't work for all students. Students may start to worry and experience gloomy thoughts. Sometimes, there is a clear reason for this, and sometimes there isn't. A student psychologist from Fontys can work with the student to explore what the gloominess looks like and what the cause is.
It is important that the student promptly contacts their own general practitioner (gp).
For instance, if there is a disrupted sleep pattern, a persistently low mood throughout the day, a clear decrease in interest and enjoyment in activities, fatigue or loss of energy during the days, feelings of worthlessness, and thoughts of death.
The gp can refer the student to further support and therapy. The student psychologists at Fontys are willing to assist the student and you as a student coach. We do not offer long-term therapy, as this is often necessary for this issue.
The referral depends entirely on the situation at hand. This page includes a step-by-step guide with the appropriate referrals.