During internships/minors

During internships/minors

As part of every study programme, our students, among other things, work on practical assignments, have (graduation) internships, or study in hybrid learning environments. In all cases, the student works and learns in different environments.

Information in addition to the points mentioned in section 'Within the educational context':

    • You can always inform the student about the Fontys confidential counsellor in this situation.
    • Fontys confidential counsellors can think along in situations like this. It is important to know that confidential counsellors are not authorised to do anything at internship companies, but the integrity code provides a bridge to open the conversation.
    • The organisation where the student works (usually) also has a structure where you can report undesirable behaviour.
    • Discuss the situation (anonymously) with your supervisor. Suppose several signals about this practice environment come in to your study programme. In that case, it is essential for the study programme to start the conversation with the practice environment and to take appropriate steps if necessary.
Many of our students go abroad for a minor at another educational institution. It may be that a student there ends up in a socially unsafe situation and confides in you. The primary advice is: "Every educational institution" has similar support with confidential counsellors. Suppose a student informs you about a socially unsafe situation. In that case, it is wise to work together to see who the student can turn to at the educational institution and refer to them.