What is it

Social safety is crucial in fostering a 'sense of belonging'. It refers to the extent to which people feel safe to express themselves, share their ideas and participate in the community without fear of negative consequences or condemnation. Students can evolve and work on personal and professional development much better in a socially safe environment.

Unfortunately, social safety is sometimes breached, as in other parts of society. Often unconsciously, but with consequences for the person it happens to. That is why it is good to dwell on this topic and clarify what we are talking about. An educational environment is safe when the social, psychological and physical safety of students and staff is not affected by the actions of others. Undesirable behaviour (such as bullying), discrimination, polarisation, sexual intimidation, aggression and violence (threats of violence) are unacceptable.

Fontys is actively committed to promoting a safe environment. We do this, among other things, by employing confidential counsellors and making action guidelines available.