Zoom 1st Online PBS Europe International Conference

Participation will be done by the online platform Zoom. For each activity please click on the link in the programme, and use the password as provided to you by e-mail. Please note you need to have installed the Zoom software before you can enter the online platform!

All given times are in CET!

11 November 2020 School visit

2-2.15 PMCheck in online waiting roomWelcome and Goal Setting by Sui Lin Goei
2.15-2.30 PMBreak up in two school tours
2.30-3.30 PMMainstream school: Christelijk College ZeistThis is the same link as where we started!
Special school: KrommeRijn College

11 November 2020 Masterclass

3.30-3.35 PMCheck in online waiting roomThis is the same link of the mainstream school visit
3.35-4.40 PMMasterclass part I: “Implementing PBIS in a diverse context” prof. dr. Anna-Maria Hintz and dr. Michael Paal
Masterclass part II: “How to value diversity” dr. Linda van den Bergh
4.40-5 PMGeneral discussion led by Angeline van der Kamp Closing of Day 1 and Looking forward to Day 2.

12 November 2020 1st PBS Europe Network Conference

1.45-2 PMCheck in online waiting roomWelcome and goal setting by Sui Lin Goei
2-2.05 PMOpening conferenceby Tanju Yildirim (ODGEDER, Turkey)
2.05-2.45 PMKeynote PBS Europe & PBS AllianceTim Lewis: Back to Basics to Build the Future’ (University of Missouri, US); Edwin Jones: ‘Achieving an Ordinary Live’ (University of South Wales, UK)
2.45-2.55 PMQ & Aby Tanju Yildirim (ODGEDER, Turkey)
2.55-3 PMChange to 14 parallel workshops
3-3.45 PMWorkshops
1.1 Introduction to School-wide PBS: what it is and what it is notAngeline van der Kamp (Fontys University op Applied Sciences, Netherlands)
1.2 How to start implementing PBS in your schoolLale Hazar (ODGEDER, Istanbul, Turkey)
1.3 Coaching of School-wide PBSJoke Kamstra (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands)
1.4 A Chat with Tim LewisTim Lewis (University of Missouri, US)
2.1 Implementation of PBIS in Lithuania and Czech Republic: from theory to practiceRenata Greimaite & Gintare Sate (Counselling Division for Children with Developmental Disabilities, Lithuania) Anna Kubichkova & Lenka Felcmanova (COSIV, Czech Republic)
2.2 SWPIS in Turkey; An Exemplar in Early Childhood ImplementationLia Yuannidi and Tanju Yildirim (ODGEDER, Turkey)
2.3 Implementing SWPBIS in special schools in SpainDavid Simo and Carmen Tio (Ramon Llul University and CPT ESTEL, Spain)
2.4 Implementing SWPBIS in special schools in London (UK)Penny Barrett (The Bridge Trust, London)
2.5 Implementation of SWPBS in a special school and in a preparatory vocational school in the NetherlandsBernardine van Eert (Kromme Rijn College, Netherlands) Dik van Donselaar (Christelijk College Zeist, Netherlands)
3.1 Emerging technologies within the PBS frameworkGuiseppe Chiazesse (CNR, Italy)
4.1 What we have learned about how to implement PBS in ID servicesSarah Leitch (BILD, UK)
4.2 Active Support: An essential element of PBS for people with IDDr Edwin Jones (University of Wales, UK)
4.3 What is PBS and how does it work for people with IDDr Anne MacDonald (University of Glasgow)
4.4 Our journey to establish PBS in our ID servicesPlena Inclusion (Spain)
3.45-4 PMChange to webinar link for Closing Keynote
4-4.05 PMClosing keynoteWelcome and Goal Setting by Sui Lin Goei
4.05-4.10 PMWelcome and introductionby Tanju Yildirim (ODGEDER, Turkey)
4.10-4.40 PMClosing Keynote Randall De Pry'SWPBIS: Reflections and Future Directions’ (State University of Portland, US)
4.40-5 PMQ & Aby Tanju Yildirim (ODGEDER, Turkey)
5 PMClosing of the conference

13 November 2020 Research meeting


Sfeerafbeelding Fontys
Sfeerafbeelding Fontys


Amsterdam/Barcelona/Oldenburg: 2-5.15pm CET
Helsinki/Istanbul/Vilnius/Athens/Nicosia: 3-6.15 pm
London/Scotland: 1-4.15 pm
Miami: 6-9.15 am
Portland: 5-8.15 am
Missouri: 7-10.15 am

Behavioral guidelines

Zoom etiquette

Participants receive a passcode for the zoom meetings by mail

ask for a passcode

Technical Assistance

Erik Lont
+31 6 34712160

Sent Erik a whats app if you encounter any technical problems
