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Dutch Language Programme A0 to A1

  • 9 maanden
  • 01-10-2024
  • Eindhoven
  • € 500 (BTW vrijgesteld)
For those who don't speak Dutch yet. For people who have never learned Dutch before, the language may seem totally incomprehensible. It doesn’t have to stay like that, though!


In this module you will start from scratch and very quickly you should be able to understand some simple written and spoken language and be able to start communicating in Dutch. The goal of this programme is to reach CEF (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level A1 for Dutch reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

Once you've completed this module you will be able to:

  • Greet people as well as introduce yourself and others;
  • Ask for and provide personal details;
  • Get around in shops and restaurants;
  • Conduct simple discussions in the present and future tenses;
  • Talk about daily activities such as work or sports.


For who?

This programme is especially designed for foreign students who want to get to know and learn the Dutch language. After completing this module and the module A1 to A2, encloses the language part of the naturalization program of the Dutch government (Inburgeringsexamen: DUO - Inburgeren).


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At Fontys, we go through programme level A0 to A1 and programme level A1 to A2. Both programmes consist of 4 exam parts: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.


Content and structure


You can interact in a simple way provided the other person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech.You will be able to ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.You can use simple phrases and sentences to describe where you live and people you know.


You can recognise familiar words and very basic phrases concerning yourself,your family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.


You can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or in catalogues.


You can write a short, simple ‘whatsapps’, for example sending holiday greetings.You can fill in forms with personal details, for example entering your name, nationality and address on registration forms.

Lessons are structured in a way to encourage students to communicate in Dutch. The largest part of the classroom time is used for practising new material in various ways. Of course, there is also time for questions and explanations of grammar and vocabulary.
Students study ten units from the textbook during 15 course days.There will be a written and oral examination during the course. Assemble your own vocabulary list, per course day 10 words including the English translation. During lessons the language of instruction is English and Dutch where possible.
During the A1 module students compose their own relevant Vocabulary Files, collecting and adding at least 10 words each week. Progress of these Files will be checked throughout the duration of the course (peer assessment in the final session).
It is compulsory to attend at least 80% of the lessons.Should you not be able to come to class, please inform your teacherimmediately and in advance via email.

The test of this module consists of the following conent:

  • Test Start.nl1/ Chapter 1-10
  • Self- assembled Vocabulary list (per week 10 new Dutch words, with English translation)
  • Written test 50% of grade
  • Oral test 50% of grade

A minimum score of 5,5 is required to pass the test. A minimum score of 5,5 is required for each skill to pass module 1 and to move on to module 2.

Exams with a score lower than 5.5 can be retaken. Exams with a score of 5.5 or higher cannot be retaken.

Certificate A1

Participants will receive an A1 level certificate if they scored a 5.5 for the test and if they attended 80% of the classes.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance if they score lower than 5.5 and if they attended 80% of the classes.

Participants whose attendance is lower than 80% (with or without notice) will not receive a certificate.

Upon completion of the course requirements, you will receive a Fontys participation certificate



With Nt2, you can show that you have sufficient command of the Dutch language to be able to work or study in the Netherlands.

To learn Dutch as a 2nd language, you go through four programmes:

  • Level A0 to A1
  • Level A1 to A2
  • Level A2 to B1 (programma I, Staatsexamen Nederlands)
  • Level B1 to B2 (programma II, Staatsexamen Nederlands)

In the Netherlands there are 2 examination programmes: programme I (language level B1) and programme II (language level B2). The Staatsexamen Nederlands als tweede taal Nt2 is a national exam for adults learning Dutch as a second language. The Diploma Staatsexamen Nt2 allows you to show that you have sufficient command of the Dutch language to work or study in the Netherlands.

  • Programme I if you want to study or work at MBO-3 or MBO-4 level.
  • Programme II if you want to study or work at college or university level.

At Fontys, we go through programme level A0 to A1 and programme level A1 to A2. Both programmes consist of 4 exam parts: Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing. Completing these two levels encloses the language part of the naturalization program ofthe Dutch government (Inburgeringsexamen: DUO - Inburgeren).

Students who want to enrol in higher education need to follow the Staatsexamen Programme II course. After completing the fontys courses A0-A1 and A1-A2, you should then follow up with the next levels B1 and B2 in order to prepare for the state examination programme II. Which wil be concluded with an offical State exam level II diploma.You can complete programme I first but it is not compulsory. (Staatsexamen NT2: Staatsexamen NT2 – DUO).



Praktische info

€ 500(BTW vrijgesteld)
9 maanden
If you have any questions, please contact us: fontysprohealth@fontys.nl
The price per person is €500,- for one module. (for academic year 2024-2025)

Start October 2024


Day 01 | 01 oktober 2024

Day 02 | 15 oktober 2024

Day 03 | 29 oktober 2024

Day 04 | 12 november 2024

Day 05 | 26 November 2024

Day 06 | 10 December 2024

Day 07 | 07 januari 2025

Day 08 | 21 januari 2025

Day 09 | 04 februari 2025

Day 10 | 18 februari 2025

Day 11 | 11 maart 2025

Day 12 | 25 maart 2025

Day 13 | 08 april 2025

Day 14 | 06 mei 2025

Day 15 | 20 mei 2025

Oral exam | 03 juni 2025

written exam | 05 juni 2025


Day 01 | 10 oktober 2024

Day 02 | 07 november 2024

Day 03 | 21 november 2024

Day 04 | 05 december 2024

Day 05 | 16 januari 2025

Day 06 | 30 januari 2025

Day 07 | 13 februari 2025

Day 08 | 27 februari 2025

Day 09 | 20 maart 2025

Day 10 | 03 april 2025

Day 11 | 17 april 2025

Day 12 | 15 mei 2025

Day 13 | 12 juni 2025

Day 14 | 19 juni 2025

Day 15 | 26 juni 2025

Oral exam | 01 juli 2025

written exam | 03 juli 2025


Day 01 | 03 oktober 2024

Day 02 | 17 oktober 2024

Day 03 | 31 oktober 2024

Day 04 | 14 november 2024

Day 05 | 28 november 2024

Day 06 | 12 december 2024

Day 07 | 09 januari 2025

Day 08 | 23 januari 2025

Day 09 | 06 februari 2025

Day 10 | 13 maart 2025

Day 11 | 27 maart 2025

Day 12 | 10 april 2025

Day 13 | 24 april 2025

Day 14 | 08 mei 2025

Day 15 | 22 mei 2025

Oral exam | 01 juli 2025

written exam | 03 juli 2025

Lesson times are from 3.30 pm to 6 pm.


If you would like information or to register for the B1 course, please email fontysprohealth@fontys.nl.

This B1 course will take place entirely online.



Sign up

Below is the start date of this course or training and here you can sign up.


If you would like information or to register for the B1 course, please email fontysprohealth@fontys.nl.

Please note that once you have registered yourself, Fontys payment obligations apply.

If there is no start date and sign up button shown here. Then registration is not possible at this time (yet). Please feel free to contact us for more information about the course/training.

We are happy to help you! All contact details can be found at the bottom of this page.