My student is considering suicide. What do I do now?

How to handle a (suspected) psychological crisis or emergency with a student? Follow the step-by-step plan or view the general tips at the bottom of the page.
Step 1: How serious is the situation?
Try to assess this based on the conversation you had, or ask the student about it directly.
Asking a direct question about thoughts or plans to commit suicide will not cause the student to actually take action. The student will have these thoughts even without your intervention and would probably feel a sense of relief at being able to talk to someone about it.

The student has occasional thoughts of suicide, is still able to think about other things, and is aware of the effect on friends and family. No definite plans or preparations yet.

The student often has thoughts and visions of suicide, feelings of despair, has a definite plan with preparations, thinks it would be better for others if he/she were no longer there. Farewell letters are sometimes considered or composed.

The student only thinks about suicide, has great feelings of despair, is not concerned about the effect on others, there is a definite plan, possibly already practised. A trigger could lead to suicide at any moment.

On Fontys property
Student appears confused, makes statements about suicide, he/she could make an attempt on the spot.
Step 2: Who should or should not be informed?

Ask questions and discuss options, both internally at Fontys and externally (student psychologist, general practitioner).
Discuss who else the student can seek help from. Example question: "Do you have someone who can help you?" (parents, friends, etc).
Encourage the student to contact a student counsellor and/or student psychologist. (+31 (0)8850-80000).
Arrange a follow-up appointment with the student and revisit any agreements made. In the meantime, ask the student to talk to their student coach.

Encourage the student to make an appointment with a general practitioner, a student counsellor and/or a student psychologist (+31 (0)8850-80000).
Or agree to go to a walk-in session together or make an appointment together.
Discuss who the student can seek help from. Example question: "Do you have someone who can help you?" (parents, friends, etc)
Arrange a follow-up appointment with the student and revisit any agreements made.
Let the student know about / 0800-0113 or 113

Serious - during office hours
Don't leave the student alone. Ask the student if there has been contact with a general practitioner, a student counsellor and/or a student psychologist
Encourage the student to make an appointment with a general practitioner, a student counsellor and/or a student psychologist (+31 (0)8850-80000). Or ask permission if you can do it for the student.
Go to a student psychologist together with the student; they will clear their agendas.
Stimulate the student to contact / 0900-0113
Student psychologist assesses the situation and will contact the general practitioner. If nessecary contact their parents. The general practitioner calls is crisis service.
Serious - outside of office hours
Ask whether there is anyone who can come to collect the student. Contact the parents if necessary (with the student's consent).
If no one is able to collect the student:
- call a general practitioner or out-of-hours GP service
- make a concrete agreement: “Can I trust you not to harm yourself?”
- arrange a follow-up appointment with the student and revisit any agreements made
- call 113Online (+31 (0)800-0113) on the spot to discuss the situation
- call the Fontys incident room (+31 (0)8850-74966) to discuss the situation

On Fontys property
Ask whether there is anyone who can come to collect the student. Contact the parents if necessary (with the student's consent).
If no one is able to collect the student:
- call a general practitioner or out-of-hours GP service
- make a concrete agreement: “Can I trust you not to harm yourself?”
- arrange a follow-up appointment with the student and revisit any agreements made
- call 113Online (+31 (0)800-0113) on the spot to discuss the situation
- call the Fontys incident room (+31 (0)8850-74966) to discuss the situation
General tips
- Do not promise confidentiality.
- Share your concern.
- Keep check of your own boundaries.
- Call your supervisor regardless of the time of day.
- Discuss cases with colleagues and possibly your supervisor.
- Not every statement about suicide will lead to action; it may be a response to stress. Try to put it in perspective > binding study advice (BSA) approaching, lots of exams, etc. Some statements are a phase/age-related. Always take the student's feelings seriously and refer them to a student counsellor and/or student psychologist.
- If in doubt, consult a student psychologist via +31 (0)8850-80000.
- You can also call 113Online (+31 (0)800-0113 or 113) for a consultation. See
- Always record the consultation(s) and the decision(s).
- To consider: designate a colleague who has experience/aptitude with this kind of situation as the first contact person within the study programme and/or institute.
- If you have an uneasy feeling after a conversation with a student, attempt to speak to the student (by phone or in person). Try to see if you can confirm your instincts.
- If your instincts are correct, discuss the options for help internally at Fontys as well as externally.