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Frequently Asked Questions

On this page we have listed some of the most asked questions. Can't find the answer to your question? Feel free to contact our Student Ambassadors or our Customer Contact Center.

Ambience photo Fontys

Fontys is a University of Applied Sciences. Universities of Applied Sciences focus more on the application of knowledge and the direct preparation of students for their professional careers, whereas research universities train students for the independent practice of science and academic research.

More about the Dutch educational system

For each programme at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, specific admission requirements and application procedures apply. Please refer to the course programme of your choice for further instructions. If you meet all the admission requirements, we will invite you to apply for enrolment.

More about applying at Fontys

February intake September intake
EU students, if you want us to arrange accommodation 15 December 15 June
If you arrange accommodation yourself 15 January 15 August
Non-EU students 15 November 15 June

Some study programmes at Fontys have their own application deadline. Please make sure to check the deadlines of the study programme of your choice.

The entry requirements differ per study programme. Please visit the study programme of your interest for its specific requirements. All study programmes at all Dutch higher educational institutes require a minimum English proficiency level of IELTS 6.0.

Overview of our programmes

The tuition fees can differ per situation. Our Tuition Fees indicator helps you to determine the tuition rate for your situation.

Take a look at our Tuition fees indicator

Fontys currently offers the Holland Scholarship for Non-Eu / Non-EEA students. You might also be eligible for other scholarships not provided by Fontys. These can be found on Grantfinder.nl.

Check out information about the 'Holland Scholarship' here:

More information about the Fontys scholarships

For each programme at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, specific admission requirements and application procedures apply. Please refer to the course programme of your choice for further instructions. If you meet all the admission requirements, we will invite you to apply for enrolment.

More information about admissions

All information about financial matters and living expenses for foreign students can be found on the link below.

More information about financial matters

We offer a service to provide students with assistance in arranging suitable accommodation for the first period of their studies at Fontys. Please note, available student housing is limited, so check this information carefully.

More information regarding accommodation