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Fontys for Society

Strategic Plan 2021 - 2025

In order to continue to fulfill our social mission
- contributing to a sustainable, inclusive and vital society - in the best possible way, we need to develop into a talented, inquisitive and agile Fontys.

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Our contribution to social impact

Fontys For Society: iedere dag dragen we bij aan maatschappelijke impact

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Together we contribute to impact every day

Gezond en gelukkig ouder worden in De Genderhof en de Genderbeemd

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Healthy and happy ageing in the Genderhof and the Genderbeemd

Samen eenvoudigere beademingsapparatuur ontwikkelen

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Developing simpler medical ventilators together

Optimising insect breeding to feed the world sustainably

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Optimising insect breeding to feed the world sustainably

Our plans until 2025

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Together we make Fontys

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Together with the work field, we develop talent and knowledge. In this way we contribute to a sustainable, inclusive and vital society.
Joep Houterman, Chairman of the Executive Board