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Fontys for society award

Every day we work together on our mission to positively influence the world around us and contribute to a better future; a sustainable, inclusive and vital society. We should think about that more often, because we are incredibly proud of it! That is why we are calling on you to submit impactful projects for the brand new Fontys For Society Awards 2024.

logo fontys award

Projects that have made social impact. Solutions, innovations, answers that have helped society move forward. Carried out by beautiful collaborations within Fontys. Employees, students or a combination thereof. Research & education or institute-transcending that we are only too happy to encourage.
One category two awards
There will be two Awards based on the same criteria. One award goes to a project carried out entirely by students and one award goes to a project carried out by staff (and optionally students).

On September 13, 2024, the winners will be announced at the Fontys For society event. Both winners will receive a check for 2,500 euros to benefit an education-related social cause.

Submission boundary conditions

  • The submitted project was completed in academic year 2023 / 2024.
  • The submission has been carried out in the context of the Fontys course/work.
  • The entry answers questions that are relevant in society.
  • The submission has made a social impact (was significant).
  • The submission is a collaboration between at least two people.
  • Entries can be submitted until 24th May 2024.

If you have any questions about the Award. Send an email to forsociety@fontys.nl ovv FFS AWARD 2024

I want to submit a project