Fresh at Industrial Engineering and Management

Welcome to Fontys! We are looking forward to meeting you in person. To get you well prepared for your study at Fontys IEM, we have gathered all information you need on this page. Please check this website regularly so you don't miss an update. If you still have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. See you soon!

Get prepared to start your studies Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM)

Below you will find practical information about e.g. your application, Fontys account, on campus WiFi, books and laptop requirements.

Your application

You have sent in your application to this study programme through the website and have recieved a confirmation e-mail from Studielink. In Studielink you will find a 'To Do List' where you can check the actions you still need to complete. You will also receive information about your application from the administrative office.

For all of your questions related to enrollment procedures, visa and housing, please contact our administrative office at

Fontys offers prospective students a Study Choice Check to support them in their study orientation and study choice process. Participation in the Study Choice Check is not compulsory for students applying for admission on the basis of an international diploma.

The main goal of the Study Choice Check is to determine how well your study programme suits your interests. This will benefit the chances of you enjoying your study time and succeeding at Fontys and ultimately also in your career. The Study Choice Check is a final confirmation to help you to decide. This will help you feel more confident, whatever your choice may be.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact your study programme.

The course of events surrounding the Study Choice Check and the study choice advice are detailed in the Study Choice Check rules. Specific details for each study programme are included in the Teaching and Examination Regulations of the study programme concerned.

The tuition fees indicator helps you to determine the tuition rate for your situation. The information and tuition rates from this indicator are without engagement.

go to tuition fees indicator 2025-2026

go to tuition fees indicator 2024-2025

Statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees

A distinction is made between statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees. Only if you satisfy all statutory requirements regarding your nationality and if you have not yet been awarded a degree, will you be eligible for statutory tuition fees. Via the tuition fees indicator, you can secure an indication of the type of tuition fees that will be applicable in your situation. To do so, please make use of the indicator above.

Distinctions are made between the following types of Institutional Tuition Fees:

  • Low institutional tuition fees
  • High institutional tuition fees

Different types of tuition fees and Exemption Regulations

These different types of tuition fees and the Exemption Regulations are fully detailed in the:

      Tuition Fees Regulations 2025-2026

      Tuition Fees Regulations 2024-2025

      The amount to be paid may vary in accordance with the following situations:

      • If you have enrolled in more than one course programme (at Fontys and/or elsewhere), it is possible that you may only be obliged to pay one set of statutory tuition fees.
      • If you believe that you may be eligible to pay only the statutory tuition fees on the basis of information that may be unknown to us, please report this to your Course Department.
      • If it later transpires that you do not meet the requirements for statutory tuition fees, you will be obliged to pay the (higher) institutional tuition fees and if this is the case, you will be notified accordingly.

      How to pay tuition fees

      Please ensure that you have arranged the payment of your Tuition Fees prior to commencing your course programme(s). If you fail to do so, your (re-) enrolment will not be finalised and you will not be permitted to follow your chosen course programme(s). Please also note that if you are not enrolled, you will not be entitled to receive any student grants and/or loans.

      Digital Authorisation

      You pay your tuition fees via a digital (direct debit) authorisation, either all at once or in instalments (via Fontys). You can fill in your payment details via Studielink.

      • Start September: On or around 15 May , you can fill in your payment details via Studielink.
      • Start February: You can fill in your payment details via Studielink as soon as your enrolment request is processed by Fontys.

      More information about entering your payment details in Studielink can be found at A lot of information can also be found in the Studielink Q&A - payment method section.

      When to pay tuition fees

      If paying in instalments

      Collection will take place in a maximum of ten equal instalments on or around the 26th of the month. Depending upon the processing time required after your enrolment, the direct debit may need to be moved to the following month. If so, the amount outstanding will then be divided and added to the remaining instalments to be executed until and including the June instalment.

      Please note: In relation to the paying in instalments facility, an Administration Fee per Academic Year will be payable. This fee will be debited to your account together with the first instalment payable.

      If paying the full sum in a single payment

      If you commence your studies on 1 September, the direct debit pertaining to your Tuition Fees will be executed on or around 25 September. If you commence your studies after 1 September, the direct debit will be executed on or around the 26th of the month in which you commence your studies.

      Using the tuition fees indicator, you can determine which tuition rate applies to you. The amounts mentioned are for the entire year (12 months). If you start mid-term or in February, you will only pay for the number of months you are enrolled.

      Please note:If you have submitted your ‘Request for Enrolment’ after the date upon which the last direct debit was to be executed (i.e. on or around 25 June), payment of the full sum in a single payment will be the only option possible.

      In all cases (i.e. paying in instalments or in a single payment), prior to the execution of each direct debit, you will be sent a message in which you will be advised of the exact date upon which the direct debit is to be executed.

      If the whole amount, or an instalment (only possible when paying via a digital authorisation), cannot be directly debited, a Payment Reminder will be sent to you.
      If payment is still not made within the specified term, a payment demand will follow. If the payment demand relates to tuition fees, and payment is still not made within 14 days following the date of the payment demand, Fontys will terminate your registration by the second month following the date of the payment demand. When you receive this payment demand, your Fontys account will be blocked simultaneously. As soon as Fontys has received your payment, your account will be accessible within a few working days.

      Go to Studielink

      Are you an international student planning to study at Fontys? You may be eligible for a scholarship!

      Scholarships help talented students by providing financial support for their studies. Below, you can find information about different scholarships, eligibility criteria, and how to apply.

      You might also be eligible for other scholarships not provided by Fontys. These can be found on

      More information about the Holland scholarships programme
      Placeholder for Fontys video
      "I jumped into this adventure because I wanted to gain a different experience in terms of education and life."
      Angelina about her decision to study abroad

      Account and IT information

      After applying you received an e-mail from us with your personal login details. Sender e-mail: ''. Subject e-mail: 'Fontys account creatie/creation'. Please save this e-mail carefully, you will need it!

      For practically all online services at Fontys you have to sign in with your Fontys account. This account is a username and password combination. Your user name contains a PCN (Personal Communication Number) and the domain: ''.

      More information about signing in

      Being able to work and study securely is of the utmost importance at Fontys. That is why we continuously work on improving information security. We switched to a new way of signing in at Fontys: in addition to your username and password, you will also use an extra step as verification (multifactor authentication).

      Eduroam (education roaming) is a service which enables students, researchers and staff to securely access the wireless internet at the Fontys campus and whilst visiting other participating institutions, using the username and login provided by Fontys. 

      Advice: Install the setting of eduroam on your private laptop, smartphone and tablet, at home according to the instructions. All will be set and ready to go when you arrive at the Fontys campus.

      Short steps

      1. Use your data connection or connect your device with an available WIFI network. At Fontys you can use: Fontys_WIFI_start
      2. Scan the QR-code or use a browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) to access the website:
      3. Read the instructions and follow them step by step
      4. When requested: fill in your Fontys credentials <PCN>
      5. The correct settings will be downloaded. You will still be asked to typ your Fontys password (associated with your PCN)
      6. After this steps all will be set and you are connected with eduroam.

      FontysConnect, the intranet site of Fontys, is used to make (digital) information available, to share documents, to work together and as a search centre. Everyone with a Fontys account has access. If you log in to the Fontys website with your Fontys account you will land on your personal Connect page. From there you can access the various pages.

      go to portal

      How do I get the card?

      The student card is provided once free of charge at the beginning of or during the academic year to all students who register for the first time at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. You will receive a student card when you are registered and you have uploaded a passport photo via

      To upload your photo, click on the photobox on the page and follow the instructions on the screen.

      It is most convenient if you have your student card right from the start of the educational year. It is best to apply for the card as soon as you know what is your address in the Netherlands.

      Ambience photo Fontys

      When do I need a student card?

      • As proof of identity at Fontys Universities; in order to prove who you are when requested (for example at exams).
      • Logging on to the Canon printers.
      • Access control; students can use the card to gain entry to buildings on Fontys property and at automated barriers.
      • Lockers; the student card can be used for the lockers in some Fontys buildings.
      • For the loan of equipment from the media libraries or ISSD (ICT Student Service Desk).

      Fontys provides you with ‘’ email address. You can log in with your Fontys account. When you start your studies at Fontys, we will no longer send e-mails to your private email address, but instead only use your Fontys email address. Make sure you check this account regularly!

      go to Outlook webmail

      iPhone and iPad

      • Choose Outlook for iOS in the Apple Store and install the app.
      • Add an account and fill in your email address (
      • Open verification app and you will be directed to the Fontys login page
      • Remove the email address and fill in your Fontys credentials:
        username: *PCN*
        Password: the password to your Fontys account
      • Skip the First Run Experience
      • Enable Notifications
      • Tap Allow 'Outlook can send you messages."
      Detailed manual (login required)

      Android phones and tablets

      Settings > Accounts & Synchronisation > Add Account > Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.

      Fill in the required details:
      Domain: The domain students use is BERGEN. When a domain is optional, leave this field blank. Some devices require the notation domain\username in one field. In that case, write down: BERGEN\<PCN>.
      Your username is <PCN> Some devices require the notation domain\username in one field. In that case, write down: BERGEN\<PCN>.
      Write down your Fontys emailadress: <emailalias>
      The password to your Fontys account.
      If your device asks for this, write down

      Detailed manual (login required)


      The StudentApp 'MijnFontys' shows you your study results, important messages and news. As a student you receive push notifications about schedule changes, grades and a calendar with important dates, for example exams, internships, submit assignments etc. (depending on whether your department made it available in the app).

      The Fontys Student app ​​contains the following functionalities: timetables, study results and news. You will also find useful links and more information about help during your studies here.

      Login with your Fontys credentials ([PCN] and password) and easily add or change your timetable(s) yourself.

      Download in the App Store Download in the Google Play Store

      Questions about the Student App? 

      Mail: or call the IT Servicedesk (+318850 77777).

      For questions about your schedule and study, please contact the secretary of your department.

      If you click the button below you will find English information and manuals on various IT topics. You'll be able to find information about the Fontys network, printing, storage, mail, etcetera. You can also find the contact details of our IT Servicedesk here.

      go to it help

      Study materials

      Laptop requirements:

      - Computer with Windows 10 (Note: We do not recommend that you purchase a Chromebook or a MacBook, it does not meet the minimum requirements.)
      - 64 bit Processor: i5 or i7
      - Internal Memory: minimum 8GB
      - External Memory: HDD/SSD at least 15GB free space when installing SolidWorks. After Installation, SolidWorks takes up 7.5 GB.
      - Peripherals: Mouse for working with SolidWorks, Webcam and Microphone.

      Office 365 license is provided by Fontys. Make sure your laptop can run Solidworks software, since we use that for classes.

      Be aware that our IT servicedesk offers limited support fot Apple.

      Software deals for education

      SURFspot is the ultimate non-profit ICT online store. SURFspot offers an educational discount on software, hardware and online educational resources.

      So how does it work?
      Go to and log in using your Fontys account ( + password)


      Books can be ordered anywhere online, for example: via We advise you to order the books before the start of your studies. Note: search the books by ISBN number and not by title, to make sure you have the right version. You can find the book list here in June.

      Placeholder for Fontys video
      Working with other students in a group teaches you to be more collaborative, outgoing and respectful of others work and opinions."
      Student about her experiences

      Starting your studies

      When starting your studies at Fontys, it is nice to know when we expect to meet you on campus for the first time and what you will experience in the first months at Industrial Engineering and Management.

      For a successful enrollment it is necessary that you come to Nexus, in Eindhoven in person, to show your original diploma from your previous education with corresponding list of marks. This is an important condition to complete your enrollment. If you do not manage to come to Eindhoven on this date or at least before the start of your study, your enrollment will be terminated. Everyone who is admitted will get a personal invitation with the details by e-mail. For last-minute admission questions please contact us:


      Culture Shower

      In the first week you will start with a culture ‘immersion’ called the ‘IEM culture shower’.
      For your own planning, it is useful to assume that each day this week lasts -like a business work week- from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 

      You will receive information regarding the first lesson week, such as your lesson schedule and orientation. You will also meet your your fellow classmates, teachers and companies.

      What is the ‘culture immersion’ about?
      Culture Shower: A metaphor for an immersion, get to know Industrial Engineering & Management: the work, the study and the world; by experiencing and researching (by) yourself.

      The goal is to enable you to

      Create your own view and understanding of Industrial Engineering and Management
      Work in teams
      Learn to deal with uncertainty
      Reflect individually on what you've learned

      Necessities for this first day

      Multiple colours (pencils or marker)
      Laptop, phone + chargers
      Food and drinks
      Earplugs or headphone
      Most importantly: good spirit!

      We are really looking forward to meet you!

      Company experience in the first year? Well, yes that's exactly what IEM has in store for you! When joining IEM you must be prepared for a year full of interesting assignments and projects directly connected with real life. Right after your introduction week, probably the most fun week of the whole year, you go straight into the culture shower week, and you must already do an assignment. After your first week of the study, you will get your first credit (ECT). Following this assignment is the first project for the year, which if you start in September is all about the technical part of the study. You pick an appliance, take it apart and improve a part you think could use improving. You work with SolidWorks, a drawing software, to create the new and improved appliance and at the end of week 8 you present it in front of your stakeholders.

      If you want to plan holidays or other activities, it is useful to know when there are no classes.

      Academic calendar 2025-2026

      Educational period 1
      01-09-2025 / 16-11-2025

      Educational period 2
      17-11-2025 / 08-02-2026

      Educational period 3
      09-02-2026 / 26-04-2026

      Educational period 4
      04-05-2026 / 26-07-2026

      Vacation and holidays

      Autumn break
      13-10-2025 / 19-10-2025

      Christmas break
      22-12-2025 / 04-01-2026

      Carnival break
      16-02-2026/ 22-02-2026

      Good Friday

      Easter Monday

      May break
      27-04-2026 / 03-05-2026

      Liberation day

      Ascension Day and the day after
      14-05-2026 / 15-05-2026

      Whit Monday
      Summer break
      27-07-2026 / 30-08-2026

      Download the holiday calendar '25-'26

      Introduction week

      Do you start your studies at Fontys in September? Get ready for our epic starter of the academic year: Purple Introduction Week! Purple is set to happen from 25th August to 29th August, 2025. Brace yourself for an unforgettable start!

      Detailed information about your introduction week can be found here from mid June '25.

      Ambience photo Fontys
      Ambience photo Fontys

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      Join our community

      Fontys Industrial Engineering and Management offers you several ways for you to become part of our community. It is up to you to join, but we highly recommend it. There is no better way to get to know your future classmates before you even set one foot on campus!

      Lean is a young student association who strives to make international students transition in Eindhoven as comfortable as possible. The association focuses on creating a fun community by organising the introduction week and various educational and non-educational events throughout the year. These opportunities help to expand relations across all the study years. If you're more interested in organising events, then it's possible to contribute as well. You can sign up to our student association by emailing

      Keep yourself updated on our Instagram page by following us here.

      If you are interested in more detailed stories from international students or want to get in touch with one or more of them, check out this page.

      Contact a student

      Personal support

      To give you a good start at your study, you will be in close contact with a student coach. He or she is your first point of contact for all practical and study questions, follows your achievements and gives valuable tips and advice where necessary.

      We also advise you to bookmark the webpage Fontys helps. This platform offers practical information, personal support when you need extra guidance and useful links. But also interesting initiatives for you to join.

      Placeholder for Fontys video

      This YouTube video is not visible because you haven't accepted our cookies yet.

      Fontys Helps

      Fontys has an online platform that offers all kinds of practical information, personal support when you are in need of extra guidance and useful links. Bookmark Fontys Helps

      Ambience photo Fontys

      Your stay in the Netherlands

      There is a lot to see and experience in the Netherlands. Here you'll find a lot of information about studying at Fontys, accommodation and also practical information like enrolling, visa, finances etc.

      Go to practical information about living in the Netherlands

      Contact and location