Trip Database


Trip Database is a meta search engine that simultaneously searches a large number of Internet sources, such as PubMed, Bandolier, Best Bets, Clinical Evidence and DARE. Trip Database contains clinical evidence and guidelines. Also Dynamed articles are now available through Trip; click the link in the search results.


On/Off campus via Trip Database.
NB: Under ‘Your Institutions’, select Fontys Hogeschool (Fontys University of Applied Sciences), whereby links to full text articles from other Fontys databases will be displayed in the search results.

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Before you do this, check the Privacy Statement of this database / digital source / digital tool, to find out which personal data are being saved.
Whether you share your personal data, is your own responsibility.

Fontys University accepts no liability for data breaches from this database / digital source / digital tool.

Ambience photo Fontys