Discount for FHK students
To encourage students of Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts (FHK) to attend as many performances and visit as many exhibitions as possible during their study, they receive a discount with several of our partners on presentation of their FHK student card. Students will receive the following discount:

013 Poppodium (Pop center):
Check Facebook 'FHK Promo' for discounts of 013 pop venue in Tilburg.
De Pont (Museum of Contemporary Art):
Every FHK student/teacher has free entry at De Pont in Tilburg for a period of four years after taking an introduction tour (sticker on FHK card after guided tour).
Paradox (venue for the exiting sounds of modern jazz and improvised music):
Admission charge € 5 with the exception of some concerts (check in advance via Dutch website paradoxtilburg.nl).
Tickets available at the Paradox box office. Book via bartho@paradoxtilburg.nl (not via the website).De Nieuwe Vorst (theatre)
50% discount on the regular price at De Nieuwe Vorst in Tilburg (Dutch website, soon also in English).
On the day of the performance you pay € 10 for a ticket: theatre, dance and cabaret performances of the Verkadefabriek in 's Hertogenbosch (Dutch website).
Theaters Tilburg:
Youth rate for a selected number of performances up to 50% discount at Theaters Tilburg (Dutch website). You can get a 50% last-minute discount at most other performances.
TextielMuseum (textile museum):
Visit TextielMuseum Tilburg, for only € 2.75 on presentation of your FHK student card.
Chassé Theater:
€ 10 per ticket on selected performances. 50% last-minute discount on nearly all other performances at Chassé Theatre in Breda.
Natlab Eindhoven:
Show your FHK-card at the box office of Natlab and get a student discount.
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