All exchange programmes
Before selecting an exchange programme, check with the International Office at your university if there is a Fontys-wide agreement (you will have access to all exchange programmes) or a Fontys Faculty agreement (you will have access to the exchange programmes of that faculty).
Fontys University of Applied Sciences offers exchange programmes in the following areas:

Acceleration Academy
The Acceleration Academy (Fall and Spring semester) is a program based around six intensive courses/modules of three weeks. It is important that you are ready to be open to new ways of learning.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Adaptive Robotics Minor S6
The Adaptive Robotics minor is a project based minor, in which the student acquires knowledge in 6 robotics subjects.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- February
- English

Advanced Informatics
Fourth specialisation semester of the Informatics bachelor programme Software Engineering.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- February
- English

AI for Society
This exchange programme will prepare you for a future with AI where you not only speak and understand the language, but can use your combined expertise for innovations with added value.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

AI-systems; High Tech AI-Solutions
Discover a new area of hybrid engineering, optimally suited for the innovative breakthroughs in bio-technical solutions, needed by today’s agricultural sector.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

Apply Sustainability
Minor Integrated Product Development, exchange programme with focus on Engineering and Industrial Design
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- February
- English

Art, Communication and Design
In the Department of Visual Arts, Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts has two different possibilities to study, “Fine Arts, Teachers Training and “ Art Communication and Design” (ArtCoDe).
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September
- English

Be Creative minor
Are you an Engineering student or do you have a passion for engineering? Would you like to invent, design and develop a completely new concept and product together with other students? And do you want to work with real-life projects? Join us at the Fontys Engineering minor Be Creative in Eindhoven!
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Bilingual Education/English Stream
Are you interested in teaching your chosen subject (e.g. Biology, History or Mathematics) in English? This programme will help you to prepare to teach at schools for billingual education.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September, February
- English

Communication - Creative Advertising
In this minor you’ll be working on campaigns for actual organisations and develop a better understanding of advertising.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September
- English

Communication - Graphic Design
The Graphic Design minor at Fontys is a blend of communication studies and liberal arts education with a balanced focus on conceptual, creative and technical skills.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- February
- English

Consulting On Change
The business environment is becoming more and more international. Competition is getting tougher and is increasingly coming from companies all over the world
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- February
- English

Create your future
Create Your Future: learn to anticipate future transformations in work and life
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Creating New Ventures
The business environment is becoming more and more international. Competition is getting tougher and is increasingly coming from companies all over the world, consumer influence is on the rise, the sharing economy is emerging, the role of brick-and-mortar is changing, production is outsourced to companies in other countries to reduce costs, while political and economic developments make national borders less relevant than ever.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English
Customs Management in International Business
This Exchange programme aims to teach you the ins and outs of customs law and trade compliance. Which measures can companies take to increase their compliancy and increases the reliability of the flow of goods.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September
- English

Dance Academy
Fontys Dance Academy offers a 4 year full-time study programme that gives young dance artists and makers the education to develop their own signature and create their own performance work.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September, February
- English

Data Driven Business Lab
Unlock doors and peek into the complex and exiting world of companies riding the perfect wave!
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Develop Your Own Business
Shape your own exchange programme and work on the knowledge and skills you need. This will give you a flying start in business.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Digital Experience Design
Dive into the heart of digital creativity with the Digital Experience Design exchange programme. Learn human-centered design, storytelling, and impact your world.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Distribution Network Design and Transport Optimization
This programme is a full semester course from the general Bachelor curriculum. The logistics playing field is explained together with a number of basic concepts as well as strategies.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- February
- English

E-preneurship, E-commerce & E-fulfilment
E-preneurship, E-commerce & E-fulfilment exchange programme with focus on online sales strategies and entrepeneurship
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

Electrical and Electronic Engineering S7 - Electronic Systems
This advanced program is designed to address the entire design challenge of electronic systems. Students will also be exposed to the latest designs of (low) power electronics, interfacing systems, sensors technologies, antenna design, printed electronics, and PCB design.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English

Electrical and Electronic Engineering S7 - Embedded Systems
This advanced program is designed to address the entire design challenge of embedded systems. The two mandatory courses for the Embedded Systems differentiation together with the two generic courses will give students a solid software-focused design platform.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English

Embrace Technology, Entrepreneurship and Creativity
Study abroad in the Netherlands with Embrace TEC. A 20-week exchange program focused on creativity, technology & entrepreneurship at Fontys in Eindhoven.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

English Language and European Culture and Marketing
In this programme we welcome you as exchange students from our partner institutes.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

ICT & Cyber Security
Master cyber security with the ICT & Cyber Security exchange programme, focusing on ethical hacking, network defense, and real-world skills.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

ICT & Game Design and Technology
Games change all the time. The market for games as a form of entertainment is huge and is still growing. Games are increasingly used in education, training or for product innovation: applied games.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

ICT & Smart Mobile
This programme is semester 4 of our regular ICT bachelor programme. Pre-knowledge of Object-Oriented programming (C# and/or Java) is required.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

ICT & Software Engineering - Intermediate
Exchange programme, focussing on expending your knowledge and professional skills related to the field of ICT & Software Engineering.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Improve a Company Process
The focus of the ‘Improve a company process’ project is the primary process of an existing company which is active in an industrial and/or logistics environment.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English

Industrial Design Engineering: semester 2, 3 and 4
From the first day of the study students work in a design studio on projects for real clients. An unique combination of design and engineering: approximately 60% design and 40% engineering.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

International Business
In times of increasing global competition many companies operate globally or consider doing business internationally. But how do you decide on which markets to operate?
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

International Business Consultancy (IBC)
International Business Consultancy (IBC) is a challenging programme for students from all types of disciplines.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

International Business Management
Concepts such as internet of things and big data are hot topics in business. The world is changing so fast that your future job probably does not exist right now. We prepare you for these new jobs in this exchange programme.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

International Finance & Control
During International Finance & Control you will learn how to deal with all kinds of money-related questions within companies. How can we raise our profits?
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

Introduction to Informatics (first year) - 1st semester
This exchange programme will give you an introduction in the Informatics domain. It’s actually the first semester of an Informatics bachelor programme.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September
- English

Introduction to Informatics (first year) - 2nd semester
This exchange programme will give you a thorough introduction in Software Engineering. Actually it's the second semester of an Informatics bachelor programme
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- February
- English

Marketing Management
Designing an exciting marketing campaign for the new iPhone, organising a press conference for Greenpeace or conducting market research on which emotions are associated with eating ice cream
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

Mechanical Engineering S7 - Precision Engineering
This exchange program is meant for the student to specialise in precision engineering, where the emphasis lies on developing knowledge and skills to design, build and sell an engineering product. Theory, practice and project work are alternated.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English

Mechatronics Engineering S7 – Adaptive Automation Systems
This program includes subjects as mechatronic systems, design for adaptive manufacturing, advanced embedded systems and autonomous and intelligent systems.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English

Mechatronics Engineering S7 – Advanced Motion Control
This programme includes subjects as applied control engineering, dynamic modelling and design, advanced embedded systems and observers.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English

Minor Business in and with Europe
Business in Europe is made up of compulsory modules and electives which together give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of the topic while building key researching and communication skills.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September, February
- English

Music - Music and Performing Arts
Fontys Academy of Music and Performing Arts (AMPA) is an ambitious, innovative conservatory program that emphasizes high quality performance, chamber music and creativity.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September, February
- English

Performance Coaching and Training
Mental aspects play an important role in performing, particularly when one is under pressure.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English

Production Planning and Improvement
A full semester course from the Bachelor curriculum Logistics Management/Logistics Engineering at Fontys Venlo University of Applied Sciences. What is a production system and which strategic decision have to be taken when it comes to production planning?
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September
- English

Smart Health
The minor Minor Smart Innovation gives students an opportunity to experience innovative research. The purpose of the minor is to gain a multidisciplinary view of innovation and how it is applied to research as well as thourough understanding and knowledge about how to carry out research.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- February
- English

Software Engineering Foundations: second year
Exchange programme Software Engineering Foundations with focus on practical approach of the IT field
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September
- English

Sports Performance
The minor Sports Performance consists of four components; theory, practicals, project and an internship.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September
- English

Teaching Physical Education in the Netherlands
Fontys School of Sport Studies is giving you the opportunity to learn more about the Dutch school system. You will participate in our regular classes and do an internship with three other students (Dutch and international students)
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- English

The Startup Project
The Startup Project gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a real-world startup experience and empowers you by fostering an entrepreneurial mindset.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- February
- English

Transmedia Design
Are you crazy about storytelling? And do you want to learn how to tell a powerful story? Then the Exchange Programme Transmedia Design suits you!
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September, February
- English

Trend and Future Research
The exchange program Trend and Future Research teaches you how to spot trends and how to apply them to brands and organizations. Starts September & February
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September, Februari

Trend-driven Entrepreneurship
Programme where students learn how to design and shape lifestyle concepts.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Tilburg
- September
- English

Warehouse Management and Optimization
This programme is a full semester course from the general Bachelor curriculum.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Venlo
- September
- English

XR Design
Get the opportunity to get hands-on experience the broad area of Virtual Reality.
- Full-time
- Exchange programme
- Eindhoven
- September, February
- English