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E-preneurship, E-commerce & E-fulfilment

Explore the world of online business, learning how e-commerce and e-fulfillment shape today's market. You'll gain insights into digital commerce operations, from marketing to logistics, enhancing your skillset for a career in this dynamic field.

About the exchange programme

In today's interconnected world, proficiency in online business has become a vital skill for students across diverse study disciplines. Firstly, the global shift towards digitalisation has transformed traditional business models, making online platforms integral to commerce. A foundational understanding of online business ensures that professionals in any major can adapt to this digital landscape, enhancing their career prospects.

Why this programme?

  • Teaches the key aspects of e-commerce, from setting up online stores to managing digital sales.
  • Focuses on e-fulfillment strategies, ensuring efficient product delivery and customer satisfaction.
  • Combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, preparing you for the dynamic world of online business.

More about E-preneurship, E-commerce & E-fulfilment

The programme in E-Commerce and E-Fulfilment offers students from various study fields a comprehensive exploration of the dynamic world of online business and online retail, equipping them with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The program is designed to deepen students' understanding of e-commerce and e-fulfilment through a structured curriculum that balances theoretical foundations with real-world applications.

In the first half of the programme, students delve into essential theoretical aspects of e-commerce, covering topics such as an Introduction to E-Commerce; Business Plan Writing; Assortment, Buying & Merchandising; Research Methods and Business Planning; E-Warehousing; E-Business Finance; Transportation, Delivery & the Last-Mile; Returns Management; E-Marketing and Sales; and many more. This foundational phase ensures that students grasp the fundamental concepts and strategic planning required in the dynamic e-commerce landscape.

The second half of the programme shifts towards practical applications, allowing students to translate their theoretical knowledge into hands-on experiences. Through case studies and real-world projects, students gain insights into the operational challenges and opportunities in e-commerce and e-fulfilment. This practical segment ensures that students develop the skills necessary for successful implementation and management within the rapidly evolving digital commerce environment, preparing them for impactful careers in the field.



Programme format

The programme in E-Commerce and E-Fulfilment is gradually structured to provide students with a comprehensive learning experience, blending theoretical knowledge with practical application to prepare them for the dynamic landscape of online business. In the initial phase, students embark on a journey of theoretical exploration, gaining insights into key subjects essential for thriving in e-commerce. The table below outlines the diverse topics covered during this phase, ranging from E-Commerce fundamentals to E-Marketing and the management of E-commerce returns.

Theoretical Phase Subjects

  • Introduction to E-Commerce
  • Business Plan Writing
  • Assortment, Buying & Merchandising
  • Research Methods for Business Planning
  • E-Warehousing
  • E-Business Finance
  • Transportation, Delivery & the Last-Mile
  • Returns Management
  • E-Marketing and Sales
  • Traffic Generation
  • ICT and E-Commerce

Complementing this theoretical foundation, the programme integrates entrepreneurial skills, empowering students to think innovatively and strategically. This phase not only equips them with theoretical knowledge but also instills the mindset needed to navigate the competitive e-commerce landscape.

In the practical second phase, students apply their acquired knowledge in a real-life project. This project can be about writing an e-commerce business plan, or a (process) improvement for an e-commerce player. In case of the former, the student can even relate the development of their own web shop to their project. This hands-on experience ensures that students not only understand the intricacies of online business but also gain practical insights into managing an online business, customer engagement, and operational efficiency.

By blending theory with real-world application, the programme in E-Commerce and E-Fulfilment aims to skill a new generation of professionals ready to thrive in the evolving digital business ecosystem.

Admission requirements

For this exchange programme we have the following admission requirement:

  • English level: equivalent to IELTS 6.0;


How will your course programme be recognised by your home university?

Fontys will provide you with a so-called ‘Transcript of Records’, which will clarify the results that you have achieved. Depending on your results, you will receive a maximum of 30 ECTS credits. ECTS credits are recognised throughout Europe. The agreement between your home university and Fontys University of Applied Sciences will usually include a condition whereby the credits that you obtain will be recognised and transferred into the records kept by your home university.


Practical information

Start moment(s)
September, February
20 weeks (1 semester)
Fontys does not provide scholarships for its exchange students.

At Fontys you will study in various ways. There are tutorials and lectures in classrooms with about 25 other students. In these sessions you will work in small groups or independently and depending on course choices, within a project team on your assignments. The campus offers a wide array of facilities to study alone or with a group. Here at Fontys, we believe that collaborative learning stimulates a hands on, independent way of working. At Fontys we believe in interaction. We like it when you ask questions during lectures and also outside lectures we are there for you.

If you encounter problems regarding a certain subject, you can either speak to your lecturer or contact your exchange coordinator.

For more detailed information about practical matters, such as financial matters, residence permit, health insurance and accommodation, please click on the button below.

More information on practical matters


Location and contact