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ICT & Smart Mobile

Since the introduction of the smartphone, mobile IT and Media have played an important role in our society. Meanwhile, personal portable IT is still growing in development.

About the exchange programme

The use of, for example, optical wearablesand biometric sensors is already considered fairly normal. And here too, we are only at the beginning of an exploding industry. The shape of this IT will still change, but the personally portable IT will never go away. Within the ICT & Smart Mobile specialisation you will get to know the operation and possibilities of mobile devices. This can range from the appropriate devices such as a smartphone or tablet to interactive watches, biometric wearables or optical wearables. This is about what happens on the device, also in terms of interaction, but also about what needs to be arranged in the background to make it work.

Why this programme?

  • Explore the future of portable IT with comprehensive training on mobile devices and wearables.
  • Gain expertise in Android, iOS, and PWA development through focused programming and design.
  • Develop a broad and deep skill set to become a versatile professional in smart mobile development​​.



Content of the programme

You get to know the operation and capabilities of portable mobile ICT devices. At the end of this specialisation these devices will have no secrets for you and you'll decide partly how we will use them in the future.

The focus is the substance of the two major players and latest developments in Progressive Web Apps (PWA):

  • Android development
  • iOS development
  • PWA / Hybrid development

Subjects are Mobile Programming, Interaction Design, Gamification, Concepting and of course a project with a mobile solution.

Arjan Groeneweg - Lecturer ICT & Smart Mobile

“A good concept: It's better your App can do one thing very well, than a little bit of everything."

You will work on both the concept, design and the interaction design, as well as a native prototype demonstrator of your app. The idea is to apply the basic knowledge you acquired by independently creating a design based on your own idea, to turn it into a testable prototype with a native programmed proof-of-concept with a minimal set of requirements. A new development, following demands and suggestions from the Mobile Development community, allows for either broadening and/or deepening of technical and design skills among students towards becoming a T-shaped professional. We therefore offer workshops and assignments based upon a students’ choice. The platform for which we develop is chosen based upon a students’ own preference, however it is mandatory to show technical skills on both the Android and iOS platforms on at least a basic level. This level should be demonstrated through a natively programmed app running on a mobile device, accompanied by a design portfolio. The student should involve the teachers in the learning process via weekly talks and a formative portfolio assessment. The feedback and conclusions are noted and curated by the student and added to their portfolio to reflect on.

The teachers will frequently provide the students with formative feedback on deliverables and demonstrations. The student shows the work, alone or in a group context, but will be given feedback on an individual base. The students’ work will be discussed with a focus on interaction design and technical aspects, where the student will be informed whether the learning goals are achieved concerning the criteria. The student is expected to record his own feedback in Feedpulse. This feedback should be processed in further deliverables within reason.

At the end of the semester the student will be assessed on his performance of the semester. The integral assessment is based on the shown performance and will be graded as follows:

    • Outstanding (O) when all learnings of the outcomes are marked as advanced
    • Good (G) when more than half of the learning outcomes are marked as advanced
    • Satisfactory (S) when all learning outcomes are at least proficient
    • Unsatisfactory (U) when one or more learning outcomes are graded lower than proficient

Integral semester assessment is expressed as: Outstanding (O), Good (G), Satisfactory (S), or Unsatisfactory (U). Outstanding (O), Good (G), and Satisfactory (S) result in the assigning of 30 EC. Unsatisfactory (U) results in in the assigning of 0 EC.

Need more detailed information?

Download semester guide ICT & Smart Mobile



Admission requirements

English language proficiency

For all exchange programmes a minimum level of proficiency in the English language is required, as detailed in the table below. You must substantiate your level of English-language proficiency by submitting evidence in the form of a language test result pertaining to one of the below-mentioned courses.

* = Only if the units ‘Speaking & Writing’ and ‘Listening & Reading’ have been completed successfully.

  • IELTS - 6.0 minimum - EU and non-EU countries
  • TOEFL paper - 550 minimum - EU and non-EU countries
  • TOEFL computer - 213 minimum - EU and non-EU countries
  • TOEFL internet - 79/80 minimum - EU and non-EU countries
  • TOEIC* - 670 minimum - only EU countries
  • Cambidge ESOL - CAE-C minimum - only EU countries
  • CEFR - B2 minimum - only EU countries


How to apply as an exchange student

Applications should always be submitted via the International Exchange (or Erasmus) Officer at the home university. If several versions of the programme are offered, please indicate for which version you would like to apply to (Programme I, Programme II, Programme III, etc.) This officer will send your application request (nomination) to Fontys. Once Fontys has accepted the application, your Fontys study department will send you a link to a web application called Mobility Online.

Deadline for application

Fall semester: 15 May
Spring semester: 15 November

Note: Not all exchange programmes are available every semester. To find out when this programme is offered, please check its specific details.


How will your course programme be recognised by your home university?

Fontys will provide you with a so-called ‘Transcript of Records’, which will clarify the results that you have achieved. Depending on your results, you will receive a maximum of 30 ECTS credits. ECTS credits are recognised throughout Europe. The agreement between your home university and Fontys University of Applied Sciences will usually include a condition whereby the credits that you obtain will be recognised and transferred into the records kept by your home university.


Practical information

Start moment(s)
September, February
20 weeks
Contact hours
15-20 hours

Fontys does not provide scholarships for its exchange students.

For more detailed information about practical matters, such as financial matters, residence permit, health insurance and accommodation, please click on the button below.

More information on practical matters

Fontys ICT offers a variety of exchange programmes. Take a look at our complete offer.

All ICT exchange programmes


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