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Creative Skills

Course name: Creative Skills

Period: International Business Consultancy (Y4:13/14)

Cluster within the International Business Consultancy Programme: Business Skills and Languages

Study load: 2 ECTS (~56 hours)

Course description

You’ll hear the same sound in most organisations: “we need creativity and innovation to survive and thrive”. As such a business consultant should be able to understand, facilitate and work the creativity and innovation process.

This course will help you (further) develop your creative skillset. Thus allowing you to contribute to this creativity and innovation process as a business consultant.

After this course you’ll have a portfolio containing all sorts of experiments, that shows your creative skill set. Topics or techniques that could be in your portfolio are, for example: investigation and exploration, idea generation, idea championing and preparing and influencing key decision makers and finally being a change agent.

Competences and learning objectives

Competences: strategic management, designing and changing

Learning objectives

  • Identify improvement opportunities for an existing organisation, product or service;
  • Generate new or novel ideas for an existing organisation, product or service;
  • Identify and influence key decision makers;
  • Plan and facilitate the decision making and implementation process in choosing the right solution;

General course information

Required previous knowledge

This course is open to all students, keep in the back of your mind that creative skills are more easily applied if you have more knowledge of the area that you want to (re)create in.

Recommended literature Some scientific articles, blogs, vlogs and tutorials will be made available.

Way of working

The course is set up to let you develop your own portfolio with experiments. As such we will not work in a regular classroom but we’ll find a different environment that challenges you. When we are together we’ll reflect on the success of your experiments.


Your portfolio will be a collection of evidence, showing how you developed your creative skill set. This evidence can be accumulated throughout the weeks that the course is scheduled.


The portfolio will be marked with a ‘pass’ or ‘no pass’ mark. If your portfolio is marked with a ‘pass’ you’ll receive the related 2 ECTS.

Retake exam

The retake of the exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. This is usually two or three weeks after the first exam week.