Cultural Diversity Management
Course name: Cultural Diversity Management
Period: International Business Consultancy (Y4:13/14)
Cluster within the International Business Consultancy Programme: Organisations & Behaviour
Study load: 4 ECTS (~112 hours)
Course description
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Wolfgang van Goethe Have you ever wondered:
- Why it is necessary to even understand cultural differences?
- What are these differences in cultures across the globe?
- Why do these differences arise?
- How do these differences have an effect on society andbusiness in particular?
The subject of the course Cultural Diversity Management (CDM) not only addresses these questions but motivates you to come up with even more questions, draw up different scenarios and fosters cognitive decision making. On completion of this course you will be able to place yourself in a role of a consultant who can help companies identify the issues around working with a multicultural team, internally or externally and specifically zoom in on areas of incompatibility. You will also be able to create an understanding of the different behaviour patterns based on different models relevant to the field of culture studies.
Competences and learning objectives
Competences: organizational behavior, strategic management and economics.
Learning objectives
- Describe what is acceptable and unacceptable in aspecific context in terms of behavioural patterns;
- Act responsibly by being aware of the ethical issues which arise due to cultural differences and accommodate/adjust behaviour with accordance to cultural background;
- Identify stimulants for performances across different cultures within the organization based on differences in culture;
- Pick up signals on effective communication across different cultures and address them accordingly;
- Identify and formulate problems in an organization relating to culture;
- Describe the relationship between problems relating to culture that emerge at the workplace;
- Suggest recommendations with regard to training of existing personnel to overcome anticipated problems or handle existing problems;
General course information
Required previous knowledge
Recommended literature
Geert Hofstede, Geert Jan Hofstede, Michael Minkov,Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, 3rdedition. McGraw – Hill USA, 2010.
Way of working
This course is entirely interaction based. Most of the learning that takes place is through real life examples being shared in class by students of different nationalities. This helps in extending the knowledge mentioned in books into real life examples and situations which are shared first hand by students from different cultures. It is also very interesting to note the different reactions to a situation in class based on differences in culture. Therefore presence in class is essential to experience this, first hand.
In week 9 of the course, you will be given a case study. Based on one Hofstede’s model and a self-chosen model, you have to work out the questions relating to the case study. After having answered the questions, you have to play the role of a consultant who has to draw up an advice regarding training the personnel in addressing and anticipating cultural problems and anticipate for that company in that particular setting.
A final score of 5,5 or higher leads to passing the course and receiving the related 2 ECTS.
Retake exam
The retake of the exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. This is usually two or three weeks after the first exam week.