Global Marketing
Course name: Global Marketing
Period: International Business Consultancy (Y4:13/14)
Cluster within the International Business Consultancy Programme: Strategic Design
Study load: 4 ECTS (~112 hours)
Course description
This course is designed for students who want to develop effective and decisionoriented global marketing programmes. This course offers you the knowledge and skills to plan and execute an analytic decision-oriented framework for the development and implementation of global marketing programmes. Consequently, you should be able to analyse, select and evaluate the appropriate conceptual frameworks for approaching the five main management decisions connected with the global marketing process: (1) whether to internationalize, (2) deciding which markets to enter, (3) deciding how to enter the foreign market, (4) designing the global marketing programme and (5) implementing and coordinating the global marketing programme. Having taken this course, you should be better equipped to understand how the firm can achieve global competitiveness through the design and implementation of market-responsive programmes.
Competences and learning objectives
Competences: strategic management, problem regocnition, diagnosing, designing and change
Learning objectives
- Analyse whether the choice of going abroad for company is taking into consideration social responsibility in its broad sense;
- Apply an international competitiveness analysis and international market selection;
- Make strategic decisions as a consultant for the companies that are planning to extend their services
- Develop an international marketing plan;
- Assess the global environment methodically and advise on an effective strategy on how to go abroad;
General course information
Required previous knowledge
An introduction to marketing and good command of English.
Recommended literature
Svend Hollensen (2014). Global Marketing. Pearson Education UK.
Way of working
Interactive lectures: this is a technique and activities designed to involve students in large and small lecture-based classes. It allows the lecturer to enhance and punctuate lecture and create an interactive classroom experience while maintaining lecture as the primary content delivery mechanism.
Presentations: during the interactive lectures, PowerPoint presentations are used as supportive material.
Group work: the course book has a number of questions and cases studies at the end of each chapter. They will be discussed in the form of group work during the classes.
Video cases: videos which depicts real marketing choices made by companies are shown followed by questions for analysis.
Grading of the course Global Marketing is divided in an international marketing plan and the presentation of it. The international marketing plan is graded as a group effort and all students receive the same grade.
A final score of 5,5 or higher leads to passing the course and receiving the related 4 ECTS.
Retake exam
The retake of the exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. This is usually two or three weeks after the first exam week.