Human Resource Management
Course name: Human Resource Management
Period: International Business Consultancy (Y4:13/14)
Cluster within the International Business Consultancy Programme: Organisations & Behaviour
Study load: 4 ECTS (~112 hours)
Course description
HR is facing many trends in the next few years. This means that HRM in 2020 will be very different from HRM in 2030. This course goes into the 2030 transformation of HRM. The course lets you research a couple of these trends and then sketch out the consequences of these trends for a case organisation’s HRM practices.
Competences and learning objectives
Competences: organizational behavior, strategic management, business law, problem recognition, diagnosing and designing.
Learning objectives
- Unravel what different trends mean for an organization’s HRM (practices), based on the link between two perspectives: the organisation’s and the individual employee’s;
- Propose changes to HR inflow, throughflow, outflow instruments, thus allowing required changes in an organisation’s HR procedures;
- Use your own vision, organisational context and an implementation plan to create an advise about how a case organization’s HR should be changed towards the major changes in HR by 2030. And being able to defend this advice in front of an organisation’s top management team at a poster presentation session;
- Combine all trends that were discussed in the course with relevant functional parts of the organisation and its HR practices
General course information
Required previous knowledge
Some knowledge of management and organisations is required.
Recommended literature
Several English articles (will be made available on the course page on connect.fontys.nl);
- Dutch students in need of an introduction/a reintroduction into the field of HRM are referred to: Kluijtmans, F., & Kampermann, A. (2017). Leerboek HRM (3e druk). Groningen/Houten: Noordhoff Uitgevers.
- Foreign students in need of an introduction/a reintroduction into the field of HRM are referred to: Boselie, P. (2014). Strategic human resource management: a balanced approach (2nd edition). Tata McGraw-Hill.
Way of working
Teaching methods include Sharing sessions and coaching.
Sharing sessions are scheduled at regular class times. A session is shorter than a class (i.e. a session takes 45 minutes, so a scheduled class will consist out of two sessions). Sharing sessions are prepared and done by a group of three or four students and attended by the other participants. Each individual group member will be awarded points by means of a class performance checklist.
A sharing session is meant to do two things: one create a learning experience for the other participants on the sharing sessions main topic. And two provide the course participants with a rudimentary check on their knowledge on the main topic.
Coaching sessions are set up per group, while being in a coaching session the teacher will concentrate on both your content and your process towards completion.
To complete this course, you will have to do three things:
- 1. Participate in at least 60% of the sharing sessions and be in the driver’s seat for one sharing session.
- 2. Create a ‘HR in 2030’ Infographic, summarizing the expected effects of different trends on operational HRM.
- 3. Create a poster with your advice to ROTASOL (a fictional organization) on how ROTASOL should adapt its current HR practices to make them futureproof by 2030. The first part is assessed individually, the other two parts will be awarded on a group basis, thus creating an individual grade at the end of the course.
A final score of 5,5 or higher leads to passing the course and receiving the related 4 ECTS.
Retake exam
The retake of the exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. This is usually two or three weeks after the first exam week.