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Multimedia Skills

Course name: Multimedia Skills

Period: International Business Consultancy (Y4:13/14)

Cluster within the International Business Consultancy Programme: Business Skills and Languages

Study load: 2 ECTS (~56 hours)

Course description

During this course you will learn to use various multimedia tools. You will learn how to use different ones and how you can use these spefically to transfer a message within business. By that you will be trained, as a business consultant, in how to convince your client or stakeholders through a professional standard of working.

Competences and learning objectives

Competences: organizational behavior, designing and changing

Learning objectives

  • Use various multimedia tools;
  • Transfer a message by using a media tool for a higher standard of a professional presentation;
  • Decide which media tool is useful in which situation;
  • Convice a client or stakeholder when presenting;

General course information

Required previous knowledge


None. Tools provided online.

Way of working

During class you will be introduced to various multimedia products. Partly during and mainly after class you will practise with various media tools supported by online tutorials. You will compose these into one final portfolio from which you will choose one mediatool to present in the last week of the course. The presentation in the last week is the final exam for this course, where you’ll need to convince your client.


Portfolio and presentation.


A final score of 5,5 or higher leads to passing the course and receiving the related 2 ECTS.

Retake exam

The retake of the exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. This is usually two or three weeks after the first exam week.