Public Speaking
Course name: Public Speaking
Period: International Business Consultancy (Y4:13/14)
Cluster within the International Business Consultancy Programme: Business Skills and Languages
Study load: 2 ECTS (~56 hours)
Course description
How do you reach your audience and grasp their attention? How do you tell your story in such a way that your audience believes it? And how do you stand in front of a critical mass and inspire them? In this course you will learn to speak before an audience . We want you to perform better as a professional consultant by working on your confidence and ease to present your story.
Competences and learning objectives
Competences: organizational behavior
Learning objectives
- Perform the content of this core course in a clear and understandable manner for different kinds of audiences;
- Convince the audience to accept your idea(s);
- Vary in communication style depending on the audience and the goal of the presentation;
- Inspire the audience and keep their attention;
- Show a confident attitude while presenting or telling your story;
- Describe what your strengths and learning points are concerning public speaking;
General course information
Required previous knowledge
Any prior experience in this field is beneficial, but not compulsory.
Recommended literature
Videos on the internet, training material available on the internet.There is no specific literature prescribed for this course.
Way of working
There will be interactive lectures in which you will practise with presentations and your own style in public speaking.
The student has to describe his/ her development in public speaking and presentation skills based on a progress portfolio. The end deliverables are a progress portfolio accompanied by self reflection.
A final score of 5,5 or higher leads to passing the course and receiving the related 2 ECTS.
Retake exam
The retake of the exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. This is usually two or three weeks after the first exam week.