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Risk Management

Course name: Risk Management

Period: International Business Consultancy (Y4:13/14)

Cluster within the International Business Consultancy Programme: Strategic Design

Study load: 4 ECTS (~112 hours)

Course description

Managing risks is an important aspect of running a successful business. This often seems to be a combination or organisational design, legal aspects and accounting or financial principles. Understanding the relation between this different principles or fields of expertise, allows you to take the right management decisions or make proper strategic choices. Risk management is affected heavily by developments like digital transformation, globalization and by the way we work in current times. You will do research on these changes and compose an advice on how to risk manage an international business. In this advice you will come up with a risk management framework.

Competences and learning objectives

Competences: strategic management, business law, finance, operations management, information management, problem recognition, diagnosing, designing and evaluating

Learning objectives

  • Understand the basic principles of risk management;
  • Interlink strategic, economic and legal aspects within business;
  • Relate trends, developments and prospects to a company’s core business and related risks;
  • Compose a risk management framework;
  • Advise an international business on how to manage risks;

General course information

Required previous knowledge

Some basic knowledge of strategy, finance and law is beneficial to participate in this course.

Online materials will be provided.

Way of working

There will be some information lectures on risk management. Most of the time you will be working on your research assignment, as to compose a risk management advice for an international oriented company.


The exam is the assignment.


A final score of 5,5 or higher leads to passing the course and receiving the related 4 ECTS.

Retake exam

The retake of the exam is scheduled at the end of the semester. This is usually two or three weeks after the first exam week.