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AI For Society

Start moment(s)
September, February
20 weeks

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the world by storm, but it is more then just a trend.

In the past decades we have seen companies slowly being turned into software companies. Now áll companies in some way will become AI companies. What we need are people who understand the importance and possible impact of AI on their own (future) work. And thus can help shape this future.

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In this minor you will learn the basics of AI and bridging this to your own education and expertise. How you reach your learning outcomes is up to you. If you want to dive into coding and learn Python, this is possible, but teaching a machine something with data can be done in ‘no-code’ ways (without ány programming skills) like Teachable Machine from Google. This minor will prepare you for a future with AI, where you not only speak and understand the AI language, but where you can use you combined expertise to see possibilities for innovations with added value.

In this minor you will be working on an individual challenge and a group project. As a student you can shape your own Individual Challenge. The Group Project is a real-life challenge from one of our Partners in Education. In this minor there will be a Semester Coach and several Consultants available to help and guide you to a successful end of the semester. There will be Consultants available from a broad spectrum of expertises, of course from the AI field, but also from the disciplines from all participating students, like psychology, healthcare or the legal field, to help the students make the bridge to their own field of expertise.

The minor will take place in our Fontys Innovation Lab in Eindhoven.

During the minor you will gather your products in our learning management system (Canvas) and reflect on them in a Personal Development Report (PDR). Based on these products and the PDR your will have continuous feedback in relation to your learning outcome, which gives you a confident idea of the level you are “scoring” during the semester. The minor will be concluded with a final assessment based on the PDR and will make the scoring final.

Have you already thought about your choice of minor? Do you want to immerse yourself in your profession, or do something completely different? Your choice of your minor can be quite difficult. The most important thing is that you choose something that really suits you. This way you can distinguish yourself from others and make your studies even more personal. But how do you choose? And what can you choose? 

(Online) minor information week
To help you with your choice, we organise an (online) minor orientation week in March '24. During these information sessions, you will learn more about the content of the minors and you can ask any question you may have. You can register here for the orientation week.

The application period for minors starting in February 2022 runs from the first week of July 2021 until 15 December 2021.

As of 1 February 2022, you can register for the minors that start in September 2022.
The registration period closes on 1 July 2022 at the latest.

Minors may have a numerus fixus, meaning that registration closes when the minor is full, so make sure to make your choice on time!

The minor is under the responsibility of Fontys School of Information and Communication Technology.

More information

Contact person: Danny Bloks (d.bloks@fontys.nl, tel: 08850-82071)