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Acceleration Academy

  • Starts February and September
  • English
  • 30 ECTS
  • 5 months
Looking for a truly international minor that gives you the freedom to put together your own semester? With the Acceleration Academy minor, you will discover the world and work on your personal leadership skills.

About this minor

The Acceleration Academy is an international programme of six intensive courses/modules. Each lasts three weeks. Fancy to study abroad at one of our partner universities? With this minor you can. However, you can also do the minor in Eindhoven. 

Why the minor Acceleration academy?

  • You will learn a lot about other cultures, allowing you to understand and appreciate them better;
  • An international minor will increase your chances in the job market, especially if you are looking for an international job;
  • Step out of your comfort zone and make new connections around the world: a unique opportunity for self-development.

More about the minor

Your academic background doesn’t matter for the Acceleration Academy programme. You can create your own Acceleration Academy track to suit your interests. 

  • You are free to choose where you take each module: abroad or at Fontys in Eindhoven;
  • No formal ‘school structure’, step forward and arrange things with your fellow students;
  • Develop employability skills to enhance your abilities as a future professional.

Students of the Acceleration Academy presenting in class



Instead of a fixed programme, this minor has a lot of options. In fact, every three weeks you choose a new module that focuses on specific topics. Previous modules have included Intercultural Awareness, Artificial Intelligence and Analytics, International Business and Multicultural Relations, and Entrepreneurship.  

You have 5 choices per module: you can always take one module in Eindhoven. For the other four, we cooperate with partner universities abroad. This means that every three weeks you can choose to study somewhere else in the world. You arrange and pay for your accommodation in the city of your choice. Of course, you can also choose to do the entire minor at Fontys in Eindhoven. 

Below you will find a list of our partner universities. The range of modules varies from semester to semester, so we cannot guarantee that all of these universities will be available at the time you start the minor. 

    • Florida International University Genoa Italy
    • St. Cloud State University, Alnwick UK
    • CPUT in Cape Town, South Africa
    • Stamford International University /Kasetsart University, Bangkok Thailand, Luang Prabang Laos, and Ho Chi Minh Vietnam
    • North Park University, Chicago, USA
    • Maxima Nivel, San José, Costa Rica; Atigua, Guatamala; Cusco, Peru
    • CUNEF Madrid Spain
    • IPAG Business School, Paris, France

The programme has no written exams (except abroad) and is based on your personal development in professional behaviour, initiative and self-leadership. Your personal coach will accompany and coach you throughout the semester. The overall coach will assess you at the end of the programme and this will account for 50% of your final mark. The other 50% of your final mark is linked to the successful completion of the 6 modules. You will receive 30 credits on successful completion of all assessments and tests. Each module is worth 5 credits.


For who?

The Acceleration Academy programme is open to all students on any undergraduate programme. Anyone who is prepared to embrace new ways of learning and invest in the personal development and employability skills you will need as a future professional.  

Don’t expect a formal ‘school’ structure, but a programme where we expect you to step forward and work with your peers. Are you the kind of person who is bold, critical and enthusiastic? Then apply for the Acceleration Academy. 



How to apply for this minor

Sign up for a minor starting in September from February 1 until July 1 at the latest.

Sign up for a minor starting in February from July 1 until December 15 at the latest.

Please note

  • Not every minor starts in February and in September. You can find the start dates at the top of the minor's page.
  • To take part in the minor, you must have obtained your propaedeutic diploma or have permission from the examination board of your programme.


Register here for one of our activities. This way you can be sure whether this is the minor for you! We hope to see you soon!

There are currently no activities planned for this study programme. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Practical information

The language of the minor is English.

A minor regulation informs you about what you will learn, how the assessment is structured, and when you have completed the minor. As a student, you can derive rights from the minor regulation.

Go to minor regulations

