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Applied Biomedical Sciences and Engineering

  • Starts February and September
  • English
  • 30 ECTS
  • 5 months
Ready for an exciting journey in shaping the future of healthcare with technology? Then enroll in the ABSE minor. Explore cutting-edge advancements, design creative high-tech solutions with experts in this field, and ignite your career! We need dynamic professionals that can align society's needs with those of an ever-evolving healthcare field.

About this minor

The Applied Biomedical Sciences and Engineering (ABSE) program integrates biological, medical, and engineering sciences to equip students with the knowledge to develop cutting-edge medical devices and interventions. Stakeholders such as physicians, patients, scientists, and engineers collaborate to generate innovative solutions in disease diagnostics, prediction, and treatment to achieve a sustainable healthcare. This program emphasizes on hands-on learning through experimentation, projects, and healthcare challenges, which will trigger the student's creativity in designing deliverables like biosensors, digital health tools, bioreactors and more. ABSE prepares students for a dynamic career in healthcare, where they will address current and future needs through interdisciplinary courses, expert seminars, and a focus on patient-centered solutions.

Why the minor Applied Biomedical Sciences and Engineering?

  • You will receive a strong foundation in biological, medical and engineering sciences.
  • You will work on cases and challenges brought by healthcare professionals.
  • You will contribute to solutions generated with the patient in mind.
  • You will have the option to choose future-proof specialization tracks in the healthcare sector.

More about the minor

Our program prioritizes talent development and fostering an authentic learning environment where students take ownership of their learning. We align real-life challenges, scenarios, and research with the development of unique skills and competences that will become relevant when the students operate in the healthcare and/or biotech industry. Tailor the minor to your interests by choosing from four distinct specialization tracks

  • AI and Engineering in Health
  • Fabrication Technologies in Biomedical Sciences and Engineering
  • Product and Process management in the Biotech and Healthcare industry
  • Biosensors and organs-on-a-chip
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In the Applied Biomedical Sciences and Engineering program, students gain foundational knowledge through lectures and projects as well as through Challenge Based Learning (CBL), where students use their creativity in applying concepts and designs in real-world challenges. This approach fosters experimentation, reflection, and adaptation to create innovative, effective and safe patient solutions. The interconnected CBLs, designed in collaboration with industry and the healthcare sector, provide hands-on experience and interaction with healthcare stakeholders from the Eindhoven and Brabant region.

The minor offers a broad learning experience, providing insights into topics such as:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Immunology
  • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  • Biomimetics and Bioinspiration
  • Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Computational Methods in Healthcare
  • Design, Product and Process Engineering in Healthcare and Biotechnology
  • Biomedical and Healthcare Entrepreneurship and Innovation

You will also work on necessary skills and competences, such as:

  • Social and Ethical considerations in Healthcare
  • Project and Process Management
  • Excellent written and spoken communication skills
  • Analytical approach to problems and abstract thinking
  • The ability to work in interdisciplinary teams

A sound and thorough professional development is our goal. You'll shape your path towards achieving well defined milestones and learning outcomes. During the minor, you'll keep a personal student journey that reflects your growth as a professional.

  • The foundational knowledge base will be evaluated with formative assessments (graded exams).
  • Modules where you apply your knowledge will be evaluated by how well students have aligned learning objectives with deliverables. You will receive constant progress evaluation and feedback through summative assessment, and the final deliverables (prototypes) will be presented and graded in a Demonstration (demo) day.

The ABSE minor takes place in a unique interdisciplinary setting where the program is developed and overseen by experts from the Engineering, Applied Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Paramedical Sciences, Physiotherapy and Psychology Departments.

A close collaboration with industry is at the core of the program to pull healthcare innovation towards the most pressing societal needs in the Netherlands. The minor's extensive industry network will also provide opportunities for internships and graduation projects.



For who?

The ABSE minor is open to anyone with an innovative mindset and passion to connect engineering, sciences and healthcare in developing the next generation of diagnostics, treatment and care medical devices.

  • You should have completed the propaedeutic phase or,
  • Obtained permission from the examination board of your program.

    Students in Engineering, Applied Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Applied Health professions, ICT with an affinity to the healthcare sector are eligible for the program.



    How to apply for this minor

    Sign up for a minor starting in September from February 1 until July 1 at the latest.

    Sign up for a minor starting in February from July 1 until December 15 at the latest.

    Please note

    • Not every minor starts in February and in September. You can find the start dates at the top of the minor's page.
    • To take part in the minor, you must have obtained your propaedeutic diploma or have permission from the examination board of your programme.


    Register here for one of our activities. This way you can be sure whether this is the minor for you! We hope to see you soon!

    Minor orientation Applied Biomedical Sciences and Engineering | Online
    25 Mar 2025 17:00 - 18:00 CET
    Minor orientation Applied Biomedical Sciences and Engineering | Online
    27 Mar 2025 17:00 - 18:00 CET

    Practical information

    All teaching is offered in English, including educational materials.

    The minor is full-time and has a workload of 40 hours per week, comprising a combination of classes, group work and self-study.

    All activities will take place in Eindhoven in the Nexus building. A 10-minute walk from the central railway station.

    A minor regulation informs you about what you will learn, how the assessment is structured, and when you have completed the minor. As a student, you can derive rights from the minor regulation.

    Go to minor regulations