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Embrace Technology, Entrepreneurship & Creativity

  • Starts February and September
  • English
  • 30 ECTS
  • 5 months
Embrace TEC: Technology + Entrepreneurship + Creativity is a minor programme for students ready to find their purpose and discover their top talents and how to utilise them.

About this minor

By joining this minor, you jump on a power-packed 20-week programme where you get real hands-on experience in solving meaningful challenges, designing prototypes, taking field trips, connecting with industry experts, and working in multi-cultural, cross-disciplinary teams.

Why the minor Embrace TEC?

  • A lot of personal and professional coaching possibilities
  • Meaningful real-life challenges to work on during your minor
  • Together with students from different cultures, nationalities and disciplines

More about the minor

The programme consists of group challenges and personal project track work. The group challenges are always around a meaningful topic that impacts society. Your track work is either deep-diving into your personal purpose or working on your entrepreneurial skills.

During the minor programme, you explore and develop your purpose and skillset through three roles: Personal and Professional Identity explorer, Design-Based Worker, and Technology Integrator. You learn a lot about self-reflection, design-based working methods, and technologies like programming, 3D printing, woodwork, and laser cutting.

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First five weeks you detox! The idea is that you detox from the traditional way of education and learning and adjust to a Fontys Pulsed learning style which is challenge-based, student-centered and has design-based working in it's core. You get to know emerging technologies and creative tools, work groups and individually, and take the first steps to figure out what you want to get out of this minor and how we can uncover your true identity and personal purpose together.
The next 15 weeks you get to work! With the whole minor group, you start working on a longer Pulsed for Good challenge that includes mini-challenges and active group work. During these weeks and challenges, you have the opportunity to decide what kind of role you prefer to take and what you would like to learn during the process. You also choose a unique track to further work on your personal purpose or developing your entrepreneurial skills or business.

Each week you have three working days in the Pulsed room, The days are divided to challenge days (Wednesday, Thursday) and track day (Tuesday).
We believe the learning process is more important than the outcome, so we spend time working on meaningful real-life challenges instead of passively teaching from textbooks and measuring your learning process with exams.

We believe it is important to create a dynamic and open learning environment in which students from different cultures, nationalities and disciplines come together. A place where everyone feels at home. In order to achieve this, we (re)shape and (re)create this unique and modular/flexible environment together with our students.

  • Fail forward - Failing forward requires support, guidance, and most importantly, the time and space to reflect on you fantastic fails. This subtle shift from failure to failing can reduce the fear of failure that discourage students from exploring.
  • Spark your fascination - We believe that good ideas start with your own fascination. This creative spark can start from empathy, but sometimes It is also the problem or the process that is close to you that gets you started.
  • Personal coaching - As a student you will have your own personal coach during this educational programme. We believe that if you are comfortable with yourself, you will achieve and learn more. Together with your coach you will work on discovering and forming your personal identity.


    For who?

    You can join regardless of your study programme or interests.

    Ambience photo Fontys
    Ambience photo Fontys
    Ambience photo Fontys

    How to apply for this minor

    Sign up for a minor starting in September from February 1 until July 1 at the latest.

    Sign up for a minor starting in February from July 1 until December 15 at the latest.

    Please note

    • Not every minor starts in February and in September. You can find the start dates at the top of the minor's page.
    • To take part in the minor, you must have obtained your propaedeutic diploma or have permission from the examination board of your programme.

    Ambience photo Fontys


    Register here for one of our activities. This way you can be sure whether this is the minor for you! We hope to see you soon! You are always welcome to visit us. Find us in R10, first floor (Fontys Rachelsmolen).

    There are currently no activities planned for this study programme. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

    Practical information

    The language of the minor is English.

    A minor regulation informs you about what you will learn, how the assessment is structured, and when you have completed the minor. As a student, you can derive rights from the minor regulation.

    Go to minor regulations