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Graphic Design

  • Starts February and September
  • English
  • 30 ECTS
  • 5 months
Graphic design is everywhere. In the logo on your favourite jeans, on the menu in a restaurant, on websites you visit, or on billboards you see on the road. Do you want to use graphic design to visualise ideas, solve communication problems, inform, inspire and entertain?

About this minor

The minor Graphic Design is a blend of communication and art education. It focuses on conceptual, creative and technical skills. You will design ideas visually. Creative and a little different, but also thoughtful and well-researched. You will learn everything you need to create visual communication expressions in the minor. You will know how to use Adobe software to learn and develop creative ideas.

Why the minor Graphic Design?

  • Projects for real organisations
  • A combination of strategic thinking and creation 
  • Blend communication and art education
  • Enhance your creativity

More about this minor

The program offers you many ways to build an impressive portfolio, as you will be working on design projects for actual organizations. The minor in Graphic Design requires 4 days of study/work a week (talks, inspiration sessions, project work, skills labs, coaching, field trips) and is a good addition for majors like communication, marketing, computer science, business, etc.





The minor Graphic Design is 30 ECTS, equivalent to 840 hours of study, spread over 3 projects.

Commercial - You will be working (individually and in teams) on design projects for actual organizations. Acquisition, briefings, brainstorms, design, project management, pitching and billing are part of this unit. All projects, including the creative and business processes, will be bundled in group file: the process book.

Conceptual - You will be working on a personal design project within the theme Design for Good. You will create your own story and choose your own visuals to tell that story. Your project will be showcased in an exhibition for academic and non-academic audiences. The creative process will be documented in a concept guide.

Graphic Journey – During this project you will design your own graphic journey. What are your graphic learning goals, how will you work on these and where do you hope to be at the end of the minor? You design a document in which you record your journey. At the end of the minor you have a conversation about your journey with the coaches.

The minor covers the following topics:  

  • Graphic Design Industry
  • Visual Language
  • Adobe Software
  • Analogue Media
  • Typography
  • Photography
  • Color Psychology
  • Art History
  • Brainstorming
  • Concepting
  • Persuasion
  • Ethics
  • Coaching
  • Entrepreneurship

We always try to organize a studytrip. For example, students attended the OFFF in Barcelona in the spring of 2023. The conferences we attend have speakers from all over the world and from different disciplines. 



How to apply for this minor

Due to the limited number of places available a selection will be done after the application deadline. Therefore we would like to receive a motivational letter. Please answer the following questions in your motivational letter:

  • Who are you?
  • Why are you applying for the minor Graphic Design?
  • What do you want to learn during the programme?
  • Could you rate your own design skills?
  • Your preferred language. Do you want to follow the minor in Dutch/English/No preference? If you need to follow the minor in English, because you’re not a (native) Dutch speaker, please write this down in your application, so we can make sure that we place you in the English class.

Deadline for application: 19 November 2024 

You will be notified before 28 November 2024 whether you have been accepted or rejected.



Register here for one of our activities. This way you can be sure whether this is the minor for you! We hope to see you soon!

There are currently no activities planned for this study programme. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Practical information

Start September: Dutch 


Start February: Dutch and English 

A minor regulation informs you about what you will learn, how the assessment is structured, and when you have completed the minor. As a student, you can derive rights from the minor regulation.

Go to minor regulations