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International Business Management

  • Starts February and September
  • English
  • 30 ECTS
  • 5 months
Are you interested in international business and eager to deepen your understanding of global management? Do you want to learn how companies operate in an international context and what role you can play in that? If so, the International Business Management minor is exactly what you're looking for!

About this minor

The International Business Management minor offers an in-depth exploration of international business strategies, cultural differences, and management techniques. You will learn how to make effective decisions in a global business environment and gain insights into the dynamics of international markets and enterprises.

Why the minor International Business Management?

  • Focus on international business strategies.
  • Deep dive into cultural differences and their impact on business.
  • Develop skills in global management.
  • Gain practical experience through international cases and projects.

More about the minor

This minor combines theory and practice, where you will work on real business cases and projects in an international context. It provides an opportunity to apply and develop your knowledge in an environment focused on the global business world.

Interested? Then read the Minor Manual for more details:

Open Minor Manual



Programme overview

The minor International Business Management prepares students for a world-class business career. We will invite our students to virtually enter multinational companies, and confront them with real life decisions CEOs and marketing managers face in daily life. The aim of this minor is to explore the newest ideas for turbulent times in a way that is interesting and valuable to students.

The minor International Business Management is truly international. Students from all over the world participate in this programme. Next to this the classroom setting is really interdisciplinary, various majors are represented. This creates an exciting and dynamic classroom setting.

International Management (12 ECTS) and International Marketing (12 ECTS) are obligatory in this minor. Next to these 24 credits, students can choose a specialization course worth 6 ECTS which fits best to their personal demands.

Students who want to develop themselves as professional decision makers in (international) strategic contexts will be highly inspired by this course. Experienced lecturers and business professionals will take you into companies to show you what decisions CEOs and MTs are facing. Together, we will increase your knowledge of strategic management, your skills to analyse business contexts, intervene in them strategically and your ability to professionally deliver your message. This will help you to become a more successful business manager in the future!

What is International Management?

This course takes the strategic business context as unit of analysis. From the beginning onwards, you will be thinking as the CEO / MT of a variety of organizations. The lecturers will introduce you to strategic management, interventions, leadership and consultancy practices. Together with your fellow students, you will analyse up-to-date business challenges and learn to present and defend your line of reasoning. Moreover, you will be trained to improve your professional attitude in business contexts so that you will become a more valuable asset for a variety of different companies.

What does the semester look like?

During the onboarding week, we introduce you to the philosophy and atmosphere of this course. We use professional team coaching tools to make the class a “team” and show you how experience-based learning may benefit you. Then we introduce the course and the main topics that will be covered in this course. Afterwards, you immediately start creating your own strategies, analyses and management team interventions. Experience first, label later. After reflecting on that test run, we introduce you to process design before you dive into a(n) (international) strategic management challenge that you will solve for a company. You can choose the company and you are encouraged to work with them!

This course gives you the opportunity to dive into the exciting and challenging international marketing world. Imagine that you are a marketing manager of an hotel chain that wants to expand to Brazil. You wonder how to tackle this big challenge. How do I introduce my hotel in Brazil? Who are my potential customers in Brazil? What exactly will I offer to my customers? And how can I stimulate them to visit my hotel? This course will guide you through the steps of setting up an international marketing plan, which will give the answers to the questions above. You will gain essential marketing knowledge and skills that are a valuable contribution to becoming an interdisciplinary business professional.

What is international marketing?

International marketing challenges you to set a complete marketing campaign for the introduction of a (new) service in a foreign market. Besides sharing fundamental marketing knowledge, this course offers you new theoretical and practical insights and tools to develop the marketing campaign in a successful way. By offering new perspectives and combining these with known marketing tools, you are able to improve your marketing research skills. In addition, you are challenged to translate this research into a creative and viable marketing campaign, focusing on online and experiential marketing.

What does the semester look like?

The red line in this course is the structure of the international marketing plan we follow in order to create a viable marketing campaign. After the introduction, you choose your groups and start working on your project. The first 8 weeks will revolve around analysis and the input of the campaign. In class, theory is discussed and groups are challenged to apply this theory to their own projects. In these 8 weeks students present their input for their campaign in graded intermediate presentations. After the interim exam, the actual campaigning starts. You are challenged to start thinking about translating your findings from the first 8 weeks into an exciting campaign. You are challenged to start with the central message and content marketing and later in the process your actual event marketing strategy and digital marketing strategy that fits. In the end, the final exam consists of presenting the final campaign and an oral individual defence.

Students could elect their preferred specialization course worth 6 ECTS. The courses offered are Global Sport Marketing, Leadership and Coaching, Business Psychology, International Events Management and International Customer Insights.

Global Sports Marketing

Students who are passionate about sports and marketing get the opportunity to enter the international sport business and develop themselves in order to become an excellent sport marketer.

Leadership and Coaching

Leadership and Coaching (LAC) aims to inspire you to reflect on and create your future LAC context. The individual student is the unit of analysis of this course; the course focuses on you. You are facilitated to discover your leadership styles, your purpose, your mindset and your ambitions. Your lecturer has years of experience as a leader and coach in educational, business and sports contexts. You will be inspired to develop your leadership skills in a way that fits your background, personality, passion and interests! Your lecturer is leading his own company as well, in which he helps leadership and management teams improve their businesses. These experiences will be used to make the course fit with modern business life.

Business Psychology

Human capital is one of the most important resources of an organization and therefore crucial to take care of properly. In order to stay competitive, organizations need to know how to structure the environment at work so that employees can be as happy and as productive as possible. Therefore, this courses provides you insights into how to improve the working life of employees.

International Events Management

Increasing competitive pressures are forcing organizations to find new ways to engage customers. Event Management has gained momentum among professionals as it creates an ultimate customer experience through live and face-to-face communication. This experience has a huge potential in creating amazingly positive customer responses.

International Customer Insights

Why do chocolates taste better when they are in a “luxury package”? And what does “luxury mean in for instance China or Italy? How do you find out what drives the Chinese/Italian customer? Global marketers have a deep understanding of the psychological drivers and (sometimes irrational) behaviour of the international customer. This course gives you the opportunity to become a truly global marketer.


For who?

There are no specific admission requirements for this minor. Students from various study programs can participate, provided they have an interest in the subject and a good command of the English language.



How to apply for this minor

Sign up for a minor starting in September from February 1 until July 1 at the latest.

Sign up for a minor starting in February from July 1 until December 15 at the latest.

Please note

  • Not every minor starts in February and in September. You can find the start dates at the top of the minor's page.
  • To take part in the minor, you must have obtained your propaedeutic diploma or have permission from the examination board of your programme.


Register here for one of our activities. This way you can be sure whether this is the minor for you! We hope to see you soon!

There are currently no activities planned for this study programme. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

Practical information

The language of instruction for this minor is English. A good command of the English language is essential for participating effectively in all classes and activities.
Classes are scheduled throughout the week, consisting of a combination of lectures, seminars, and project work. This allows students to engage in both theoretical learning and practical application.
Two 12 ECTS courses are offered in this minor programme: International Management and International Marketing. Next to these courses students could choose a specialization course worth 6 ECTS: Global Sport Marketing, Business Psychology, Leadership and Coaching, Event Management, City Marketing and International Customer Insights.

Read to minor manual for more detailed course descriptions.

A minor regulation informs you about what you will learn, how the assessment is structured, and when you have completed the minor. As a student, you can derive rights from the minor regulation.

Go to minor regulations