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Trend and Future Research

  • Starts February and September
  • Dutch
  • 30 ECTS
  • 48 months
Do you want to advise companies and organizations on how to navigate change? In this minor, you will learn to identify trends and imagine possible futures, and translate this into strategic advice.

About this minor

We might not always realize it, but we are working on our future every day. Everything we do impacts the future. Usually, we focus on the familiar and the near future, whether as individuals or organizations. How can we ensure we look beyond tomorrow and consider the bigger picture? That’s what the minor in Trend and Future Research is all about.

Why the minor Trend and Future Research?

  • Identify trends, imagine future scenarios, and interpret the zeitgeist from various perspectives.
  • Use trends to inspire companies strategically and highlight opportunities.
  • Position yourself as a trend researcher and contribute your major knowledge to discussions.
  • Develop multidisciplinary thinking, curiosity, and openness to new perspectives.

More about the minor

During the minor, we will go on field trips to observe what innovative companies are doing. We offer guest lectures from experts and work on real client projects. You will learn various methods such as intuitive forecasting, Cross Cultural Analysis, and scenario planning, which will help you shape your vision of the future. You can present your scenarios in a format that suits you, such as a podcast, documentary, or 3D speculative design.






The first part focuses on trend research. This includes learning to spot signals and innovations, and analyzing your data to identify trends. During this phase of the minor, you will work for a client from the business sector. You will conclude this part with a report and presentation, providing strategic advice to your client.

The second part of the minor focuses on future research. You will work on a report and final product for a client of your choice. At the final expo, you will present your scenarios and future explorations based on your report, using a final product that suits both your client and your identity as a trend researcher.

In the minor, your knowledge and skills are assessed in various ways, including knowledge tests, group assignments, and individual tasks.

You can complete the minor by passing all assessment components with a minimum score of 5.5.



For who?

All bachelor's students are welcome.

We conduct an intake to determine if there is a mutual fit. This includes a small assignment and a meeting.



How to apply for this minor

    Apply for a minor that starts in September from 1 February until 1 July.

    Apply for a minor that starts in February from 1 July until 15 December.

    • Not every minor starts in February and September, you will find the start dates at the top of the minor page

    • Minors can have a numerus fixus or fill up quickly, so make sure you make your choice in time!

    • To take part in the minor, you must have completed the propaedeutic phase or have permission from your programme's examination board.



          Register here for one of our activities. This way you can be sure whether this is the minor for you! We hope to see you soon!

          There are currently no activities planned for this study programme. Please contact us if you have any further questions.

          Practical information

          The minor is offered twice a year in both English and Dutch. If there are few enrollments, the language of instruction will be English (unless there are no international students, in which case it will be Dutch).