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Your Future Work

Start moment(s)
September, February
21 weeks
20-25 hours per week

The world and the labor market are changing rapidly due to many developments. That is why we can better focus on teaching important skills than rapidly aging factual and procedural knowledge that is now easily accessible to everyone through various media. However, this tsunami of information must be critically examined in order to subsequently assess whether it is, among other things, reliable and useful.

21st century skills include problem-solving, creativity and inventiveness and cooperation. These are skills that can be used in various domains and are therefore valuable for the student. We respond to this with the minor Your Future Work.

The international programme of Your Future Work stimulates the development of a personal and professional vision, attitude and set of behaviours to be able to relate to this emerging future and to deal with change. Self-reflection, an open attitude to new ideas and seeing mistakes as learning opportunities are key in the minor Your Future Work. It helps you thinking about yourself, your future, shaping your future and expend your cultural horizon.

‘A lot of emphasis on personal growth which in my opinion is the basis for meaningful and athenthic professional development.’

Since you already have a foundation of knowledge gained during your major, we will now proceed with skills and attitudes. Subsequently, you can use these enhanced skills and acquired knowledge in their own domain. It already stimulated and inspired many students to find the direction of their future.

‘I totally learned more about myself and my future career concerning what I want to achieve or where I see myself. Also, it helped me to see the importance of how different cultures interact together in different situations.’

We need people with grit!

Take the challenge to craft your own future of work! From the starting point of the minor you will develop an understanding of personal options and choices. This will enable you to create opportunities, for personal ánd professional use.

Within the minor programme Your Future Work you will be educated with a curious attitude towards human sciences. Personal leadership and entrepreneurship will be challenged and strengthened during this programme. You will have the opportunity to combine the knowledge from your own major with a better understanding of your ambitions and expectations of the future (of work). In the (nearby) future you have to make choices concerning internships, employment and your career. Decision making has always been tough – but now it’s more difficult than ever. Furthermore, you will have to deal with complex situations. We inspire and stimulate you to make healthy choices in your future (work) in order to shape your career and to deal with complex situations in a healthy way.


  • Career design
  • Mental health and happiness
  • Relationships of the future
  • Intercultural awareness
  • Conflict management and mediation
  • Human technology interaction
  • Wacko Wednesday
  • Intervention for Happiness.

In all courses personal and professional development are key. First you will reflect on your own behavior, attitudes, talents, personality and mistakes and then you will apply new insights in knowledge and skills to yourself to shape your future (career).

You will have to complete lots of different assignments for all courses. Alternately you learn individually and in international and multidisciplinary groups. You add and combine all assignments in a portfolio. This portfolio forms the base of evidence of your personal and professional development. Halfway through and at the end of the minor, you show the progress in your personal and professional development to your fellow students and the Board of the future.

Example of assignments are:

  • WackoXL Detox: getting to know each other en creating happy memories off campus during a wonderful introduction day
  • Discussion in class about techno ethics, such as: ‘
  • Discovering personal values
  • Working on a career plan
  • Setting short-, mid- and long-term goals to pursue a life that is more fulfilling and rewarding with the help of a buddy (peer student)
  • Writing a letter from the heart
  • Providing a workshop about a topic of choice within relationships of the future
  • Writing blogs and creating vlogs about topics within intercultural awareness
  • Apply your mediation skills in a role play
  • Create a Final Wacko with all students: generate a meaningful, co-creative and positive contribution to society by ‘paying forward’ the learnings, inspiration and best practices of the minor program, together with the stakeholders.
  • Creating projects within Intervention of Happiness such as ‘The happy phonebooth project’ VIDEO

    The happy phonebooth project

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The minor lasts 20 weeks (including the assessments). Classes are scheduled most of the times four days per week (20-25 hours a week). The remaining day is intended for consultation with fellow students and self-study at your own pace. 

The minor is divided in part 1 (10 weeks) and part 2 (10 weeks). During both parts you attend the same courses.
These courses are taught every week during meeting of 1,5 – 2 hours. Some courses are taught to all students together and some courses are taught to half of the students of the minor programme.


Part 1 Part 2
Week 1-7Week 8-9-10Week 11-17Week 18-19-20
Attending coursesTestingAttending coursesTesting
Working on assignmentsWorking on assignments
Creating a portfolioCreating a portfolioEnd event

The specific timetable for the minor will be announced approximately three weeks before the start of the minor at the latest.

What is expected of you?

The programme is available for international students and professionals, as well as Dutch students, who find it interesting to study in an international and intercultural environment.

We expect you to:

  • Work hard and play hard
  • Be eager to learn new talent skills
  • Care and practice kindness: ‘you are ok, I am ok’
  • Dare and practice leadership: ‘courage over comfort’
  • Be committed
  • Ask for what you need or where want to know more about
  • Have a good command of the English language, equal to IELTS 6.0/TOEFL Internet 80
‘It doesn’t matter which teacher we have. You create a safe place for us.’
(Rina, Malaysia)
‘I once again understand that Fontys’ teachers are much more than just teachers. They become friends with their students, almost family-like which is extremely important to me. I think that wherever I would go, I would not be able to find such wholehearted teachers doing everything they can for their students’
(Ece, Turkey)
Ambience photo Fontys

We offer you:

  • An international and intercultural classroom
    Students from all over the world attend the minor programma. This results in an international and intercultural classroom in which students learn a lot from each other in and out school. We believe that it is important to create a safe learning environment. Therefore, we welcome a maximum of 20 students. All our students get to know each other.

  • The opportunity to contribute to happiness in society
    Such as the Happy phone booth project, mentioned in 'our programme'.

  • Co-creation
    You will create inspirational learning moments together with your fellow students, the teachers and nog to forget inspirational experts who will co-create in-depth learning moments in their field of expertise.

  • Personal coaching
    When you experience some study related troubles during this minor, you can contact our study counsellor, who is also one of the teachers. If you have any issues or you do not know how to deal with a specific situation, he is there for subjective social support.

  • Holistic assessment
    You will attend several courses, dive into different topics. At the same time, all is related because the key in every course is personal and professional development. Halfway through and at the end of the minor, you show your progress in your personal and professional development on your fellow students and the Board of the future.

  • Committed teachers
    Each teacher has his or her expertise and guides you within their subject during your learning journey in the minor. We act according to the 'care and dare' principle: we care for you as a person and at the same time we challenge you.

Academic dates study semesters

  • Fall semester 2021: September 2021 - February 2022
  • Spring semester 2022: February - July 2022

Deadline for application Spring semester

  • Spring semester 2022: November 2021

For more information concerning the application process, please get in touch with Ms. Marjolein Nispeling, Tel.: +31 (0) 8850 89216, e-mail: hrmandpinternational@fontys.nl

How to apply as an exchange student
Applications should always be submitted via the International Exchange (or Erasmus) Officer at the home university. If several versions of the programme are offered, please indicate for which version you would like to apply to (Programme I, Programme II, Programme III, etc.) This officer will send your application request (nomination) to Fontys. Once Fontys has accepted the application, your Fontys study department will send you a link to a web application called Mobility Online. Added to the link you will receive all necessary information and a manual. 

Please take a look at the tutorial beneath to see how it works. Contact person for exchange students: Ms. Marjolein Nispeling Tel:+31 (0)8850 89216, E-mail: hrmandpinternational@fontys.nl

How to apply as a Fontys student
You have to register yourself for the minor in Progress.

How to apply as a Dutch student
Dutch students from other universities then Fontys, apply for this minor viahttps://www.kiesopmaat.nl.

How to fill out your online application form in Mobility Online

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This international program is also available for students taking part in a bachelor program in the Netherlands, as part of their studies (minor). If you are studying at Fontys School of HRM and Psychology, please sign in at our own portal . All other students (either from another school of Fontys or another university of applied sciences) can apply by filling out this form. Questions? Please send an email to minorhrmenp@fontys.nl. Contact person for bachelor students in the Netherlands: Ms. Lieke Beetz.

Tel.: 08850 – 73383 E-mail: minorhrmenp@fontys.nl

Have you already thought about your choice of minor? Do you want to immerse yourself in your profession, or do something completely different? Your choice of your minor can be quite difficult. The most important thing is that you choose something that really suits you. This way you can distinguish yourself from others and make your studies even more personal. But how do you choose? And what can you choose? 

(Online) minor information week
To help you with your choice, we organise an (online) minor orientation week in March '24. During these information sessions, you will learn more about the content of the minors and you can ask any question you may have. You can register here for the orientation week.

The minor is under the responsibility of Fontys School of Human Resource Management and Psychology.

More information
Connect directly with Lian Deijkers, minor coordinator.

Ambience photo Fontys


Lian Deijkers, minor coordinator
