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Fontys Venlo Career Day

About the Career Day

Ook dit jaar is er weer een Fontys Venlo Career Day: Bedrijven uit Venlo en omstreken en studenten maken 1 op 1 met elkaar kennis. Het gaat dan om stage- en afstudeerprojecten of misschien wel om dé baan na het afstuderen..

De Career Day op 17 oktober 2024 wordt de tiende campusbrede carrièrebeurs van Fontys Venlo. Circa 800 studenten en 100 bedrijven zullen deze dag aanwezig zijn. De Career Day is daarmee voor young professionals dé carrièrebeurs van Noord-Limburg en de Euregio.

Studenten van verschillende Bachelor opleidingen kunnen  hier hun eerste stap zetten op weg naar hun professionele loopbaan.

Wij verheugen ons op veelzijdige en interessante gesprekken tussen bedrijven en studenten op 17 oktober 2024.

Der Career Day feiert am 17. Oktober 2024 das zehnte Jubiläum!

Auch in diesem Jahr findet der Fontys Career Day wieder statt: das Karriere-Event für Venlo, Niederrhein und Umgebung, bei dem sich Betriebe und Studierende persönlich kennenlernen können, wenn es um Projekte für Praktika und Abschlussarbeiten oder auch um mehr geht.

Auf dem campusweiten Karriere-Event der Fontys Venlo waren im letzten Jahr etwa 800 Studenten und 100 Unternehmen anwesend und damit ist der Career Day das wichtigste Karriere-Event für junge Fachkräfte in Nord-Limburg und die Euregio.

Studierende aus verschieden Bachelor Studienrichtungen können hier die ersten beruflichen Kontakte für ihre professionelle Laufbahn knüpfen.

Wir freuen uns auf interessante und abwechslungsreiche Gespräche zwischen Unternehmen und Studenten am 17. Oktober 2024.

The ultimate career event for the Venlo region where students and businesses can meet in person to discuss internships, graduation projects and more..

The Career Day on 17 October 2024 will be the tenth edition of this campus-wide career event organised by Fontys Venlo. With around 800 students and 100 companies attending, the Career Day has carved out a name for itself as the ultimate career platform in North Limburg and the Euregio for young professionals.

Students can very easily get in contact with companies from different industries and set their first step towards their professional career. Students from different undergraduate programmes will be attending this event.

We are looking forward to interesting connections between companies and students on 17 October 2024.

Ambience photo Fontys


How is the course of the day?

  • Welcoming companies: 10:30 – 11:30
  • Career Day with Students: 12:00 – 15:30
  • Get together: > 16:00 (companies and lecturers Fontys)

Will there be enough parking space?

There a lot of parking spaces around the buildings. Further you can go
external, f.e. on “sportpark Vrijenbroek, Wittendijkweg 61, 5912 PJ Venlo”. That’s 5-10 minutes away from the campus.

Unloading and loading in the time between 10:30 – 11:30 on the campus is possible.

How large is my stand?

4 square meter (2m x 2m).

Does Fontys provide a table?

Yes, a standing table with a diameter of about 90 centimeter is available.

Is WI-FI available?

Yes, on that day there will be an open Wi-Fi.

Will there be electricity?

Yes, but you must bring an extension cable.

What can I use to present myself and/or my company?

You can bring a banner with a width of maximum 85 centimetre. Broader banners are not allowed. The complete area will be very full and we want all companies to be visible for the students. Furthermore you can put a small television screen or laptop on your table and of course give aways...

Does Fontys provide drinks and/or food?

As from noon there will be a buffet with sandwiches, coffee, tea and orange juice. During the afternoon catering people come by your stand with soft drinks.

With how many people from our company can we come?

We count with two persons per company. If you like to bring more colleagues, please send us an email.

Previous editions


Please contact us if you have any questions about the Career Day

Tegelseweg 255, Venlo
Karsten Grell and Renée Toussaint