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Refund of tuition fees

Refund of statutory tuition fees

As a student, you can terminate your enrollment at any desired time. For the (whole) months in which you are not enrolled, you are no longer required to pay statutory tuition fees. For these months, a refund will be issued for any overpaid statutory tuition fees, provided there are no outstanding debts.

No reduction* will be granted for termination of enrollment for the months of July and August unless the student has passed away or the director grants permission for a reduction. Refunds will be processed after the reversal period (56 days after the last collection) has expired.

Refund of institutional tuition fees

If institutional tuition fees apply to your program, you are liable for these fees for the entire academic year. Therefore, no reduction will be granted for the months you are not enrolled, unless in cases of graduation, death, or if the director of the program grants permission for a reduction.

*Reduction means the reduction/decrease of the amount owed.