Nadia Jellouli-Guachati
Bio Nadia Jellouli - Guachati
Nadia studied at the faculty of architecture and urbanism at TU Eindhoven. With her graduation project ‘Balise Urbaine’ she won an honourable mention for the Archiprix 1997. In 1998 she founded XS2N architects. With great passion for art, culture and nature as a connecting triangle in Nadia’s life, she takes on different roles as a socially engaged architect, conceptual thinker, teacher (TUe/MAU), project leader in the cultural field and as a farmer. She was project leader for museum Jan Cunen in Oss and president of the committees Cultural expressions Ethnic Minorities and Action Plan Cultural Diversity in the municipality of Eindhoven,that assesses subsidy applications from artists, cultural institutions and civil society organisations. She was member of the board of the Dutch Fund of Creative Industries and Dutch Design, Fashion and Architecture. As a member of Bio^mi, that raises awareness of nature as a great source of inspiration, she’s doing research on developing micro and nano surfaces, inspired by biologicalnanostructures and their specific characteristics to contribute to the development of (more) sustainable materials.
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Head of MAU Professional Experience Program
‘how to design our future world and live in a (more) sustainable way through (re)connecting with nature and how to educate the future designers?’