Pieter Feenstra
Bio Pieter Feenstra
Pieter is an architectural historian. After initial training in architectural design and visual art, he concluded his studies with architectural history at VU Amsterdam. The subject of his graduation was Chandigarh and Le Corbusier, which led to assisting students from Delft in organizing their exhibition and research on this subject. An interdisciplinary project by students from Landscape Architecture in Wageningen, the Art Academy in Arnhem and the Academie voor Bouwkunst in Arnhem by the name of Ouverture introduced him to the TU Eindhoven and MAU in Tilburg, and since then he has been guest teacher and critic at several places and occasions. In his practice he combines teaching and collaborations in design with writing -in the beginning for Wiederhall and Archis- and advisory work.

Tutor MAU Graduation Program
‘interconnections between architecture, urban design and the arts form a common thread in my interests’