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Master of Applied IT

  • 1 year(s)
  • English
  • Master
  • Full-time and part-time
Starts February and September | Eindhoven

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Our world revolves increasingly around ICT. Challenges both in technology and society at large are more complex and require solutions that go beyond ICT-only expertise and application. Are you someone who likes to find answers to these challenges? Do you want to develop applications that have an impact in a larger context?

About the programme

Are you an independent and confident ICT professional who wants to learn to deduce insights from challenges that lead to general, innovative solutions? In short, are you someone who wants to create solutions that impact society? Then the Fontys Master of Applied IT is for you.

Fontys ICT offers motivated students the opportunity to enrol in the Master of Applied IT.. This master programme is connected to the Fontys ICT bachelor's programme (BSc) and offers you the opportunity to further professionalise with a broader and deeper knowledge of your field.

At Fontys ICT, we strive for a close connection and cooperation with the professional field in our education. Therefore, you can expect that in our the Master of Applied IT too.

Ambience photo Fontys

Why the Master of Applied IT?

With this master, you get:

  • A Master's degree (MSc) at level 7 of 60 EC, after a duration of 1 year (full-time) or 1.5 years (part-time).
  • A development of a deeper and broader set of IT skills.
  • A programme where you learn through interdisciplinary collaborations between education, research, and practice.
  • The skills and insights to abstract issues into generalisable solutions.
  • The opportunity to work with reputable (partner) organisations.
  • An English-language education with an international character in the Brainport region.

Professional Masters

There are two types of Master’s programmes in The Netherlands: professional Masters, offered by Universities of Applied Sciences, and scientific Masters, offered by Academic Universities. Although both types of Master’s programmes train to the same level, there is a difference in orientation. Professional Master’s programmes have a focus on practice-based research, whereas scientific Master’s programmes are more focused on research in the academic world. A graduate is expected to be able to adapt to new knowledge and adopt an inquisitive attitude. Knowledge of a limited field of study is no longer sufficient. Innovations, by and large, take place at the intersections of different disciplines. Professional Master’s programmes meet this increasing need for professionals who can operate at these intersections.

What is the difference between a university of applied sciences and a research university?
Ambience photo Fontys

What will you learn?

During your bachelor's degree, you gained the ability to apply IT as a tool in various assignments and to look critically at sustainable and inclusive solutions. With the Master of Applied IT, you take that a step further by abstracting challenges and developing solutions that have a broader application. You learn to think beyond the specific challenge in order for the innovations you develop to have a greater impact and contribute to a sustainably digitising society.

  • You improve your general knowledge of ICT and the latest developments.
  • You learn to zoom out and analyse a problem from various angles using the methodology Design Science Research.
  • You develop your collaboration skills in interdisciplinary teams.
  • You get hands-on experience through assignments and projects from organisations in the working world.
  • You gain technical as well as social and communication skills.
  • You graduate as a self-learning, -exploring, and -developing ICT professional, ready for the future.

What does your week look like?

A master's programme is hard work, studying and working independently on your projects and collaborating with other disciplines, organisations, and professionals.

This involves the following basic agreements: You come to the Fontys ICT InnovationLab, your learning environment, for at least 3 days (full-time) or 1 day (part-time). For the rest of your week, you are also welcome to work there independently.

  • You participate actively in the master community of students, teachers, researchers and partners.
  • You decide what your goals are, who you need and how you will achieve them. You are guided in this, but you set your own course.
  • You work on your own project and specific practical assignments from professorships or partner organisations.
  • You will have the opportunity to attend extra workshops and/or guest lectures.

Study Load

For the full-time master, you should expect the study load to be 40 hours per week. In part-time, the study load is about 20 hours per week, in addition to your job in ICT.


Placeholder for Fontys video
At Fontys ICT, we strive for a close connection and cooperation with the professional field in our education.


Construction Master of Applied IT per year

In the programme’s first semester, you will work in a group on a practical assignment. In this, you work together with a group of students who can also look at your assignment from other disciplines. Together you look for the best fitting solutions and research the practical applicability. You record your research process and the answers to your research questions in a paper. In addition to working on your assignments and project, you will participate in workshops and guest lectures to gain inspiration and insights that you will take into your projects.

In the second semester, you will work on an individual graduation assignment. During this time, you will regularly visit the Fontys ICT InnovationLab to attend workshops, guest lectures and other educational activities.

In full-time, you should expect the study load to be 40 hours per week. In part-time, the study load is about 20 hours per week, in addition to your job in ICT.




Admission Requirements

The master has a careful intake and admission procedure due to the limited number of places. So registering on time is very important for your possible admission. The admission requirements are as follows:

  • A completed bachelor's degree in IT (or equivalent).
  • Proficient in English at a B2 level, in accordance with the CEFR standard.
  • The student's previously acquired competencies at the bachelor level should adequately match the student's desired competencies at the master level.
  • When applying for parttime (education for professionals), you have at least one year of working experience at bachelor level in an ICT related field after you finished your bachelor education. Also, you have a proposal for a graduation project that you can start working on one year after applying, or you have a position within an organisation where you can carry out a graduation project under the supervision of experts with a master diploma or equivalent in an ICT related field.


Register for September intake preferably before April 1st. The latest registration date is May 1st. There are two intake rounds with intake interviews in April and May. Deadline for submission of portfolio for the first round is April 8 and for the second round May 8th. The intake interviews will be scheduled between April 10th and 20th and between May 10th and 20th.

Register for February intake preferably before November 1st. The latest registration date is December 1st. There are two intake rounds with intake interviews in November and December. Deadline for submission of portfolio for the first round is November 8th and for the second round December 8th. The intake interviews will be scheduled between November 10th and 20th and between December 10th and 20th.

Click here to apply via studielink

Numerus fixus for Fontys ICT employees

The Master offers room for 25 students. Of these, a maximum of 5 can be assigned to Fontys ICT employees. After employees have gone through the admission procedure, the first 5 will be admitted in order of application.

Code of conduct

Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct

    Admission Requirements

    The master has a careful intake and admission procedure due to the limited number of places. So registering on time is very important for your possible admission. The admission requirements are as follows:

    • A completed bachelor's degree in IT (or equivalent).
    • Proficient in English at a B2 level, in accordance with the CEFR standard.
    • The student's previously acquired competencies at the bachelor level should adequately match the student's desired competencies at the master level.
    • When applying for parttime (education for professionals), you have at least one year of working experience at bachelor level in an ICT related field after you finished your bachelor education. Also, you have a proposal for a graduation project that you can start working on one year after applying, or you have a position within an organisation where you can carry out a graduation project under the supervision of experts with a master diploma or equivalent in an ICT related field.
    Click here for more information about the English language proficiency


    Register for September intake before April 1st. There are two intake rounds with intake interviews in April and May. Deadline for submission of portfolio for the first round is April 8 and for the second round May 8th. The intake interviews will be scheduled between April 10th and 20th and between May 10th and 20th.

    Register for February intake before November 1st. There are two intake rounds with intake interviews in November and December. Deadline for submission of portfolio for the first round is November 8th and for the second round December 8th. The intake interviews will be scheduled between November 10th and 20th and between December 10th and 20th.

    Click here to apply via studielink

    Numerus fixus for Fontys ICT employees

    The Master offers room for 25 students. Of these, a maximum of 5 can be assigned to Fontys ICT employees. After employees have gone through the admission procedure, the first 5 will be admitted in order of application.

    Code of conduct

    Fontys University of Applied Sciences will act according to the Code of Conduct



      The tuition fees indicator helps you to determine the tuition rate for your situation. The information and tuition rates from this indicator are without engagement.

      go to tuition fees indicator 2024-2025

      Statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees

      A distinction is made between statutory tuition fees and institutional tuition fees. Only if you satisfy all statutory requirements regarding your nationality and if you have not yet been awarded a degree, will you be eligible for statutory tuition fees. Via the tuition fees indicator, you can secure an indication of the type of tuition fees that will be applicable in your situation. To do so, please make use of the indicator above.

      Distinctions are made between the following types of Institutional Tuition Fees:

      • Low institutional tuition fees
      • High institutional tuition fees

      Different types of tuition fees and Exemption Regulations

      These different types of tuition fees and the Exemption Regulations are fully detailed in the:

          Tuition Fees Regulations 2024-2025

          The amount to be paid may vary in accordance with the following situations:

          • If you have enrolled in more than one course programme (at Fontys and/or elsewhere), it is possible that you may only be obliged to pay one set of statutory tuition fees.
          • If you believe that you may be eligible to pay only the statutory tuition fees on the basis of information that may be unknown to us, please report this to your Course Department.
          • If it later transpires that you do not meet the requirements for statutory tuition fees, you will be obliged to pay the (higher) institutional tuition fees and if this is the case, you will be notified accordingly.

          Some Fontys study programmes offer the NL scholarship to their students. Check out the link to see if this study programme participates and for more information.

          Information about NL scholarship

          You might also be eligible for other scholarships not provided by Fontys. These can be found on the Study in NL website.

          Go to StudyinNL

          Paying in instalments

          Collection will occur in a maximum of ten equal instalments on or around the 26th of the month. Depending upon the processing time required after your enrolment, the direct debit may need to be moved to the following month. If so, the amount outstanding will then be divided and added to the remaining instalments to be executed until and including the June instalment.

          If paying the full sum in a single payment

          If you commence your studies on 1 September, the direct debit pertaining to your Tuition Fees will be executed on or around 25 September. If you commence your studies after 1 September, the direct debit will be executed on or around the 26th of the month in which you commence your studies.

          Non-EU students

          Incoming non-EU students will receive a payment letter from their study department, which must be paid before the deadline. In the following academic years, payment can be made by direct debit.


          If you have a Bank account number of which the bank is not situated in one of the SEPA countries, and you are a national of a country outside the EEA without an address in The Netherlands, then you will receive a payment letter from Fontys via your course department.

          The Dutch currency unit is the Euro (i.e. abbreviated to ‘EUR’ or ‘€’).

          The average living expenses per month for a foreign student living and studying in Holland are between EUR 1,100 and EUR 1,500 per month. These living expenses cover rent, insurance, food, public transportation, books, clothing and other general costs. 

          Dutch Immigration Service (IND) requires non-EEA students to proof they have access to € 14.641 per year (€ 7.320 per semester)

          Costs within the first months upon arrival will be higher than all other months due to a housing deposit, intro week and books. Study books are usually bought at the start of the semester and therefore it is wise to reserve and have direct access to an amount at the start of the semester which can cover the price of all study books and the living expenses for the first two months. 



          After your studies

          The master's will train you to become an ICT professional who plays a key role in (ICT) innovation projects within and outside your professional field. You could fulfil the role of project leader, innovator or expert in organizations innovating in technology or working with transformation issues where ICT can make a or the difference.

          Roles that suit you after your Master of Applied IT:

          • Proactively contributing to innovation within and in an organization in the whole process, from analysis and problem formulation to the development and implementation of (technological) solutions
          • Analyzing the impact of innovation, ethically, socially and in terms of sustainability.
          • Analyzing and structuring large amounts of information and translating it into advice/actions.
          • Understanding and articulating organizational processes.
          • Identifying market trends and developments and translating them into opportunities for the organization within the IT domain.
          IT professionals with the skillset and knowledge you gain during your Master of Applied IT can be of significance in many places. Technology is undergoing a transformation, and digitalization continues at a merciless pace. With that, the need for expertise and people who can shape a digital future is also growing. Government, banks, healthcare institutions, education, entertainment and even sports cannot do without IT. You will be at the forefront of change in positions such as:
          • Digital transformation project manager
          • Cloud architects & engineers
          • Smart Industry consultants
          • AI specialists & engineers
          • Software architects & designers
          • System architects & designers



          Sign up for one of our events. There's no better way to find out if this study programme is right for you! Visit a webinar from the comfort of your home or meet us live on campus. Whichever you choose, we hope to meet you soon.

          Open Day
          November 2, 2024

          Having trouble making up your mind about your future studies? Or maybe you've already decided? Either way, we invite you to experience it firsthand at our Open Day. Step onto our campus and get a real taste of what your chosen study programme could be like. Our students and teachers will be your guides, ready to show you around.

          Mark your calendar for our upcoming Open Day on November 2nd, 2024.

          Do you want to be a part of it? Simply share your details, and you'll be among the first to receive updates.

          More about Master of Applied IT

          Do you have a specific question about this programme? We are happy to help you!