Marc van Rooij
Vision on teaching
The double bass, what a great instrument and what a major role it plays in music! The bass of course primarily lays the indispensable foundation under almost any style of music. But it also evoluated and imancipated into a full solo instrument. You will learn how to carry the music, harmonically, ritmically and with regard to sound. Playing the double bass is very physical, and to do this a whole concert long is very demanding for fingers, tendons, joints and muscles. You will learn a proper technique and how to responsibly build up power and stamina, you will learn how to get the most out of your bass without getting injuries.
Marc van Rooij loves laying the foundation under jazz, classical or tango, and all the other expressive possibilities his bass offers. He joins Qless (www.qless.nl) and the Rob van Bavel Trio, and he played, toured and recorded with great jazzartists like Johnny Griffin, Deborah Brown, Dee Daniels, Bob Mintzer, Woody Shaw, John Ruocco, Bert Joris and many others. He also plays in the Dutch symphony orchestras, tango in Grupo del Sur and Tango Extremo, and in the theaters with famous Dutch artists like Toon Hermans. He composes and arranges, and actively promotes double bass playing by children. Marc is also head of the AMPA jazz department.