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Robin Rombouts


Robin Rombouts (1989) graduated in 2014 at the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten with teachers Martijn de Laat and Toon de Gouw. During his study he had lessons with Willem van der Vliet, Rik Mol and Nico Schepers, and masterclasses with Chuck Findley, among others. Since 2016 he is a trumpet player in the Royal Dutch Airforce Orchestra, playing concerts in the Netherlands and abroad. As a freelance player Robin played with many bands and artists, such as The Metropole Orchestra, The Danish Radio Big Band, Orchestre de National de Jazz Luxembourgh, Paradox Jazz Orchestra, Red Light Jazz Society and many more. His career is wide and varied, which makes him one of the most versatile players in the Netherlands.

Vision on teaching

As a jazz trumpet player in these times, you have to be an all-round player. Besides having a musical vision on the music you have to play, you also need to be capable of managing a variety of styles. A solid technique contributes to expressing your musical ideas. I think studying the trumpet is a lifelong journey and sometimes it can be confusing with all the different methods and visions around. In my opinion there’s no absolute truth about trumpet technique, but you can learn the essential pieces of every approach. I will help the student learning the tools to develop a healthy practice routine, to both improve their technical abilities as well avoid injuries. This lays the foundation for every player, whether as a jazz artist or a session musician.

Ambience photo Fontys