Creator Performer
General Information
Over the past century in classical music, there has been a separation between composer and musician, creator and performer. At the same time, in recent years there has been a movement within the performance arts in which the creator is also a performer, concept developer and researcher.
Creator Performer aims to be at the forefront of these new interdisciplinary developments. With this new master's program, we look first and foremost at you as a creative performer.
Whether you are a musician who wants to make theater, a composer who wants to perform, or a choreographer who wants to compose: together we will find a path that suits you and in which you develop your dreams and talents.
With its many art disciplines, Fontys has a lot of expertise in house. We have tutors who have won their spurs in the field and who know exactly what you need. But we also work with various artists, ensembles and institutions in the field. So you can be sure that you are up to date with the latest developments.
Fontys Master of Music is a small academy with a far-reaching renewal of the educational path. Because of the small scale, we can optimally support you as a student in your individual development. Your goals determine the course of your studies.
A unique feature of Fontys Master of Music is that you only have to take one third of your classes indoors (you can always take more, of course). We give you a lot of freedom, but in return we expect you to be able to work in a disciplined way.
Every year you receive a budget that you can spend with external teachers. Whether that is at another art institute or with an artist from whom you want to learn the tricks of the trade.
Tilburg is not exactly in the Randstad, but we think it is a perfect location where you can concentrate on your work, far away from the hustle and bustle. That does not mean that nothing happens. Brabant (of which Tilburg is a part) has become an arts and culture hub in recent years. It is a place where a lot is possible and where you can still do a lot of pioneering. Just take a look at the Spoorzone, the LocHal or Dock Zuid.
- To take part in the audition you first have to apply via www.studielink.nl
- The preselection will take place online
- After the preselection only selected candidates will proceed to the live audition (for candidates living in the Netherlands or Belgium) or to the online interview (for candidates living in other countries)
- You can upload your material for the online preselection on your personal admission page with a maximum of 15 minutes
- You will be asked to submit a personal development plan, in which you outline your plans for the upcoming yeasrs of study and a CV
- Duration of the live audition is 15/20 minutes.
- On you personal admission page you shpuld upload a portfolio that shows experience in co-creating, connecting and working interdisciplinary. This portfolio should also contain work that shows your ability as creator. (b.a. performance, improvising, composing, or writing abilities).
- At the audition (±30 minutes in total) the candidate shows a small sample of the above and performs a piece of music of her own choice. After the audition there will be an interview to discuss the PDP.
If you would like to have more information about this program, get in touch with Marcel Andriessen: m.andriessen@fontys.nl