Jazzpiano has developed from swing and bop into modern playing with elements of classical music, folk, sophisticated pop music, and various other approaches. During your piano study you will start out with the fundamentals of improvisation, technique, harmonization, composition, timing, and comping. As a pianist you will get acquinted with the most influential key players in jazz, and you will experience various styles such as bop, contemporary jazz, latin, and Nordic jazz which will ultimately lead into finding your own voice on piano.
More about the programmeTeachers
Wolfert Brederode
Wolfert Brederode is considered one of the most authentic pianists in the Dutch jazz scene. A refined and focused touch, concern for natural flow, openness to all kinds of music, and his relentless search for new horizons are characteristic features of his music. Wolfert has recorded as a bandleader for the famous label ECM Records and has toured the world as a member of the Acoustic Quartet of saxophonist Yuri Honing. Furthermore he has worked with a wide range of artists such as Susanne Abbuehl, Arve Henriksen, Matangi Quartet, Dave Liebman, and many others.
Sjoerd van Eijck
After graduating from Fontys Conservatorium Tilburg pianist Sjoerd van Eijck has found himself a prominent place in the Dutch jazzscene. He has released two albums with his group OAK in which he uses influences of Scandinavian melodic jazz, minimalism, classical music, and contemporary jazz. Sjoerd also leads a trio with German cello player Jörg Brinkmann and Norwegian drummer Jarle Vespestad. With the trio Mudita that also features singer Sanne Rambags and trumpet player Koen Smits, he has won an Edison Jazz Award. Furthermore Sjoerd plays keys in the group Hotspot of famous Dutch trumpet player Eric Vloeimans. As a pianist he has also collaborated with musicians such as Anton Goudsmit, Reinier Baas, Mete Erker, Maarten Hogenhuis, and many others.
- To take part in the audition you first have to apply via www.studielink.nl
- The preselection will take place online
- After the preselection only selected candidates will proceed to the live audition (for candidates living in the Netherlands or Belgium) or to the online interview (for candidates living in other countries)
- You can upload your material for the online preselection on your personal admission page with a maximum of 15 minutes
- Duration of the live audition is 15/20 minutes.
To assess your level of ability, you must prepare jazz and classical.
1. three standards (for example, medium swing/ballad/rhythm change/blues/latin/straight eight tune)
2. two pieces of your own choice (own composition, funk, electrical)
3. you have to prepare a minimum of two classical pieces, including at least one etude*. It’s mandatory to play classical, otherwise we will not consider your application as valid.
In the audition, you will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate rhythmical, melodic and harmonic insights, as well as sufficient reading proficiency.
You have to send a video with 20-30 minutes of varied repertoire as described above (jazz and classical). Besides that, you must film your hands during the performance so the teachers can see them while you're playing. We strongly advice you to play on an acoustic piano. We also strongly prefer that you play with a live band. If this is not possible you must record yourself with a play along (iRealPro, Aebersold, youtube e.g.).
These videos are considered as a first round. If you pass the first round you will be invited for a second round. This will be in the form of an online meeting in which we can ask you to do additional assignments, like side reading, in order for us to make a well-informed decision about your application.
Live audition:
When you are invited for a live audition, the commission prefers to see you perform and play your repertoire with a group or band of your own. So if possible, bring your own musicians to the audition to accompany you. In exceptional cases the school can provide accompaniment, but this is not the preferred option. Please indicate this on the application form. There is no opportunity for rehearsal. Be sure to bring proper sheet music for your band members.
* Examples of classical pieces: Etudes by Heller, Bertini, Moszkowski, Czerny; Nocturnes, Waltz by Chopin, Brahms, Schumann; Preludes & Fugas, Inventionen & Sinfonias by J.S. Bach; Preludes, Rêverie, Arabesk by Debussy; Sonatinas by Clementi, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.
How to apply