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Theory Test

Part of the admission process is a theory test. The theory test consists of a short meeting (either online or in-person) in which several aspects of your musical insight are tested. During the test, the examinator will test your general knowledge and musicianship, your personal vision on your study and development. You’ll be asked to identify, write, explain and/or describe basic musical elements such as intervals, triads and seventh chords, scales, keys and modes. You’ll be asked to read and perform sight-singing/rhythm exercises and execute a number of possible exercises to test your potential. You’ll be asked to read and perform exercises in both treble and bass clef, both simple and compound meter.

  • Treble & Bass clef
  • Intervals
  • Triads (with inversions)
  • Seventh chords (root position)
  • Keys, scales and modes
  • Imitation exercises
  • Performing both melodic and rhythmic exercises
  • Other possible exercises to test capabilities as mentioned above

You will receive a separate invitation for the theory test.